You were 22 and had always had a crush on your 30 year old boss but you didn't think he felt the same.
You worked as his assistant so you were always around him and he was always very protective of you.
One night you were staying late so you could finish your work, he was the only other person in the building.
As you were filling in your paper you felt big hands grip your shoudlers as they began to massage you.
You knew it was your boss so you leaned back into his hard body for comfort.
"Why are you here so late"
he leans down and whispers in your ear, his lips tracing over your neck.
"I had some work to finish" you reply as you try to hold your møans in.
"Stop it now, you're coming home with me and you need dinner" he then takes the pen from your hand and lifts your body up.
"Okay" you whisper he grabs your hand and drags you to his car, maybe he did feel the same.
You were now sat on his kitchen counter as he cooked one of his grandmothers special meals.
He had his shirt sleeves rolled up and oh my the veins.
You couldn't tear your eyes away the whole time he cooked, his hands moving in ways that made your stomach flip.
"Go sit on the couch and I'll bring the food over" he picks you up and off of the counter before grabbing the plates.
He bought the food out as you sat on the couch, you both began to eat in silence as your arms brushed.
"Mhm this is amazing" you moan out, the tension only building.
When you finished eating you placed your plate on the small table and turnt to thank him.
He was already staring at you with lūst clouding his vision.
He quickly pulled you on his lap, his lips attacking yours in a passionate kiss.
You kiss him back as your hands tangle in his hair, pulling him even closer as your bødies møld together.
He stands with your legs wrapped tightly around his hips as he moves you both upstairs to his bedroom.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he mumbles against your neck as he leaves a trail of gentle kisses.
You desperately nod as he lowers you onto the bed."Use your words" he commands while settling himself above you.
"Yes- yes please I want this, I want you" you whisper out needing to feel his touch.
He quickly pūlls his shirt øff and throws it somewhere in the room.
"God I've wanted you, needed you, for so damn long, since I first saw you" he whispers while his forehead rests on yours.
"The feelings mutual" you reply with a smirk as your līps meet his once again.
He worked your bødy for hours on end until you finally collapsed in exhaustion.
"Come on baby we need to get you cleaned up" his voice is so gentle as he traces every mark he left on your body.
He picks you up and carries you to the bathroom placing you on the counter.
"We need to sleep soon we've got work tomorrow" you remind him as he turns the hot water on.
He picks you up and takes you to the bath, placing you in and sitting behind γου.
"We're not going in for the week, you need a rest" he starts massaging your shoulders again.
"But I need the money" you whimper out as his lips trace your neck.
"No you don't I'm a billionaire, you already own me so you may as well own all my money"
You stare at him shocked before you kiss him, he really was the dream.
"I have a feeling people at work might think you're giving me special treatment".
"I am" is all he says as he carries you out of the bath and places you on the counter, grabbing towels.
"I think I like your special treatment" you start playing with his wet hair while he dries your bødy.
"Good, I don't plan on stopping" his hands move to your thighs as he hoists you up.
You cling tightly to his hips even when he lays you down on the bed, høvering over you.
"I am so damn hungry" his lips travel down your neck and all the way to your stømach.
"You have food in the kitchen" you say through møans.
"I wasn't talking about food" and then his head disappears between your thighs.
"I've got a surprise for you" he whispers as he stands from between your thighs.
"What is it?" you ask breathlessly.
"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, let's go pack some bags" he then carries you to his bedroom.
"I've not got any clothes with me" as you speak he carries you to a walk in closet.
"These are all yours" the closet was filled head to toe with gorgeous clothes and shoes.
"Are you serious this surprise is amazing" you plaster kisses all over his face.
"Baby this isn't the surprise" your face was full of shock and he could tell you were even more excited for the surprise now.
"We're going to Rome" it was your dream to visit Rome, how did he know?
Word count = 981
Part 2?
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