You suddenly woke up to the sound of glass smashing.
You could hear footsteps approach your door so you tried to hide quickly.
But you were too late.
A tall man, around 6'5, kicked your door down, he had mask on so you couldn't see his face but your could see a tattoo in his hand, which was holding a gun.
He walker to you and grabbed you which made you scream but it was cut short when he covered your mouth.
You tried to get away which causes him to pull you into his chest tightly.
Then you felt a sharp pain in your neck after struggling for a while...
Everything we black.
You suddenly woke up only to be met with the darkness.
You were tied to a chair with a blind fold on and had a cloth wrapped around your mouth preventing you from screaming for help.
You started struggling in the chair trying to free yourself from the ropes when you heard footsteps coming your way along with voices.
"She's awake boss" you hear someone say.
Someone suddenly took the cloth from your mouth and the blind fold off of you.
You were met with cold grey eyes that you couldn't help but notice.
The man standing infromt of you was very attractive and if you hadn't been kidnapped maybe you would of started flirting with him.
I mean you still could-no.
"Who are you and where am i?" you ask worried as to where you were and who these people were.
"Your really telling me you don't remember me. You've offended me love" he said holding his chest where his heart was and then he untied your hand and legs from the chair.
That's when you realised who it was.
"Omg Mateo is it really you?" you ask shocked as you see your childhood best friend.
"Yes it's really me and I've missed you so much love" he says as you jump up and hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck and his go to your waist
He lifts you off the ground and your legs go around him wrapping tightly around his waist.
He rests his forehead again yours and looks into your eyes.
Even though he kidnapped you, you couldn't help but feel safe with him even after all these years.
You left your forehead against his and felt a blush spread to your cheeks being so close.
You both pulled back and shared eye contact for 5 seconds until it got a but awkward.
"Um Mateo van you put me down now please" You asked awkwardly.
"Yeah sorry" he replies placing you on the ground gently.
Suddenly the door slams open and someone starts shouting something at Mateo.
"Boss people have attacked this area and they are currently hacking into our systems" they shout.
"Boss?" You whispered to yourself, who was Mateo now and what was happening.
Everything stopped when you heard gun shots outside the room you were in.
"Protect her at all costs or I swear if they don't kill you I f*cking will" he shouts at his men.
"Yes sir she will be left unharmed" they say sounding terrified.