You were strolling down the beach late a night when quiet footsteps caught your attention.
Turning around you see the captain of the ice hockey team from your school.
You slowly sit down where you are, not knowing if he'd seen you yet or not.
When he sits down beside you, you realise he had in fact seen you.
"Hi" he gently whispers.
"Hey" you quietly reply whilst trying not to shiver.
He sees how cold you are and quickly takes his jersey from the game earlier off and places it over your trembling body.
"Thank you" you smile as he just stares at you.
"Maybe you could wear it to my next game" he chuckles hoping you would.
"I'll think about it" you laugh back knowing you'd be there in his jersey.
You spent hours talking to him until he finally walked you home.
"I'm hoping I'll see you at my game tomorrow" he whispers.
"We'll have to see" you tease.
"I need my good luck charm there, how else will we win" he pulls a fake sad face.
"Then I guess I'm going to have to go" you laugh slightly as the biggest smile appears on his face.
"And you're going to wear my jersey right?" he hopefully asks.
"Are you sure you want everyone to see i mean-" you start rambling.
"Everyone there is going to know who I belong to, and of course they need to know who I'm playing for" he responds.
You don't say anything, instead you lean forward and kiss him gently, "I'll see you tomorrow" you wink.
It was finally time for his ice hockey game and you were stood in the front of the stands wearing his jersey.
"I can't believe he gave you his jersey" your best friend squeal in excitement.
You just laugh as you watch him glide across the ice.
The game was nearing the end and they were currently drawing.
That's when he came out of nowhere and made his way to there goal, and he scored.
"YES" you scream as you jump to your feet.
He immediately points over at you and then skates over, placing his hand on the glass.
You do the same, so your hands are only seperated by the glass, with a wide grin on your face.
He suddenly pulls his hand away and blows you a kiss.
You pretend to catch it and place it over your chest which only makes his smile grow.
"You were amazing out there" you shout in happiness as he makes his way towards you.
As soon as he reaches you you're lifted off the ground and he's spinning whilst holding you close to him.
"You did it" you whisper in his ear with a proud smile on your face.
"We did it" he murmurs into the crook of your neck.
He slowly places you back on the floor and you silently stare at eachother for a couple of seconds.
Before you could think his lips were on yours in a passionate kiss.
His hands wandering your body until he held your hips in a tight embrace.