You were walking home in the rain after a party late at night.
All of a sudden a car pulls up next to you.
In the car sat your enemy who was glaring at you with his cold eyes.
"Get in" he commands.
You scoff and just ignore him as you continue walking away from him.
"I said get in the car" he snaps finally loosing his calm.
The rain gets even heavier so you just decide to do as he said.
"Thank you" you whisper as you were dreading the whole walk home in the downpour.
He doesn't say a word, instead he just watches as you sit down.
As soon as he starts driving again you're shivering, the cold rain still clinging to your skin.
"Take your clothes øff" he randomly says.
"What?" you ask in confusion.
"They're all wet so if you keep them on you'll get a cold, now take your cløthed øff" he commands again.
"No, I'm nøt tåking my clothes off" you shyly say with a small blush.
"Don't blame me when you're sick" he snaps.
"Fine, do you have anything I can wear?" You ask hoping he would.
"Yeah take this" he suddenly pulls over and takes his shirt off.
You slowly start taking your own clothes off, trousers first and then your shirt.
Your brå and underwear were both completely soaked as well.
"I have a blanket in the back you could use it to dry your self off" he offers whilst reaching back for it.
"Thank you" you whisper as you take it and start trying to dry yourself.
"Can you turn around for a minute please?" you ask as you start taking your underwear off.
He doesn't speak, instead he turns around and looks out of the window.
You quickly lift your hips up and slide your underwear down your legs and then undo your brå.
You quickly place his shirt over your head and only then did you realise he was staring at you through the reflection on the window.
You immediately turn to face him with wide eyes and rosy cheeks.
"Please tell me you didn't just watch me get changed" you desperately plead.
"Well I wouldn't want to lie to you" he only chuckles as your cheeks heat up even more.
"Oh no" you whisper in panic to yourself, why did he have to watch?
"Pass me your clothes" he says while holding his hands out to you.
You do as he says and pass them to him when something lacy fell, that could only be one of 2 things.
"Shit" you mutter as he bends down to pick your thøng up.
A smile traces his lips as he stares at you for a second.
"Oh gosh stop looking just throw my clothes in the back" you practically beg him.
"Whatever you want" he chuckles at you whilst putting your clothes in the back.
He started driving as you just tried to avoid looking at him.
"The rains getting too heavy I won't be able to drive all the way to your house" he says whilst pulling over.
"Where are we?" You ask in confusion.
"My house" he informs you whilst getting out of the car.
Before you could even wonder where he'd gone he was helping you out of the car.
You both ran up to his house as the rain pelted against your skin. Super
As soon as the door is open he nudges you in before following.
"You'll have to stay here tonight" he whispers before moving his arms around yout waist and guiding you upstairs.
"This is my bedroom, I'll get you some clean clothes, shower and I'll leave them on my bed" he then takes you to his bathroom.
"The towels are there, I'll be in the bathroom downstairs if you're out before me" he tells you before making his way to the door.
When he walks out of the room you immediately get i in the shower, his shirt now on the floor.
You heard the door to the bedroom open and assumed he just forgot something.
Soon enough you felt arms around your wâīst, he was in the shower with you.
"H/n what are you doing?" You ask as he pūshês you up agåïnst the wall.
"Do you want me to go?" He asks, his høt breath sending shivers down your spine.
"No" you whisper way too quickly, "don't leave".
"I'm not going anywhere" he replies as his lips travel up your neck.
"Good" you let out a gasp when he bitës down on your neck.
"I still hate you" you whimpër.
"Glad we're on the same page" he then drops to his knêês.
Word count = 785
Part 2?
I made this ages ago so I hope. It's not too bad, I hope you enjoyed it :)
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