||20|| leaving 🤍

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"Please don't go" you beg as your boy best friend packs his bags.

"I can't stay here" he argues.

"You're the only person I have" you cry as he continues walking and packing.

"You don't need me" he says blankly as if he knew what was best for you.

"Once I'm gone you'll find others and you'll be fine" you cry at his harsh words.

"Why are you doing this?" You ask in distress.

"Because I ruin everything around me and you're too precious for my destruction" he sounds almost guilty.

"Please stay, just stay" you beg as you stand in front of his bedroom door so he can't walk out.

He walks over anyway and leans down kissing you gently.

"I'm sorry" he mumbles against your lips as he moves you aside and leaves.

-8 years later-

You were walking down a dark street when a gūnshot sounded from the distance.

Panic was filling your body as you were desperately searching for safety.

You saw a small opening between two buildings and decided to go down there, surely it was safe.

As you were walking, trying not to make too much noise, another shøt was fired.

This time it was closer, almost right in front of you and then big arms engulfed you and dragged you towards a group of men.

In the middle a man was kneeling, someone holding a gūn to his head.

"What's this?" A familiar voice came from the only masked man, it couldn't be, right?

"Found her lurking boss" the man restraining you said.

"Let go of me" you scream again and only now did the mystery man step forward.

"Let her go" his voice was so much deeper now than all those years ago.

His hands came up to his face and the mask was torn off, there h/n stood but he was no longer the sweet boy you knew.

It's silent for a moment as the two of you just stare at eachother.

"Y/n" he whispers as he walks over to you, the men surrounding ceasing to exist.

He tries to grab your waist and you immediately slap him around the face.

"Don't fucking touch me, you left me and you never came back" you shout as he moves closer again.

"I'm sorry" his words were full of overwhelming guilt and sorrow.

"I fucking hate you for leaving me" your words were full of emotion as you tried to hold the tears.

"I'm so fucking sorry" he whispers as he pulls you into a right hug, holding you so you'd never escape.

"You left me" you cry into his chest, your tears soaking his dark shirt.

"And i regret it everyday" he whispers as one of the men walk over and hand him something.

"I'm so sorry" he says as you feel a sharp pain in your neck, he then picks you up bridal style as the world goes dark.

You wake up in a big luxurious room.

The silky sheets beneath you moving as you sit up.

You look around the room in confusion before the door swings open.

There stood h/n staring at you.

He started walking over to you while you just sat there trying to find the strength to move.

"What do you want with me?" you ask as he sits down next to you.

"I just want you" he whispers.

"Then why did you leave me?" you ask, trying not to think back to that dreadful day.

"I had to" he replies as he moves closer to you, his hands reavhing up to cup your face.

"Why?" you ask in confusion.

"I'm apart of the mafīa and i couldn't risk you getting hurt, but im strong enough to keep you safe now and i never plan on letting you go" he says the words you'd been longing to hear for 8 years.


Word count = 648

Part 2?

This is very short but I hope you enjoy it anyway :)

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