||25|| nanny 🤍/🌶

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You'd recently had a new neighbour move into the house next to yours.

He was extremely good looking but was a little older than you, only 9 years.

He also had the cutest daughter you'd ever seen and her mother was out of the picture.

He'd been looking for a nanny and you just so happened to be one.

You were currently looking after his daughter, who was 1, while he was working and she kept on calling for her daddy.

"Daddy will be home soon" you whisper as you stand up and walk around with her.

You eventually settled her down and she was now asleep in her room while.

Without meaning to, you fall asleep on the couch and are shocked when you feel big arms carrying you.

"H/n" you tiredly whisper.

"Just back to sleep" he says as he carries you to his bedroom.

"I need to go home" you reply.

"Stay with me tonight" he whispers as he stares at you, his eyes full of desires.

"Okay" you answer as his eyes travel to your lips.

You reach his bedroom and he hesitantly places you on his bed, not wanting to let you go.

"Do you want a shirt to sleep in?" He asks as he pulls away from you.

"Yes please" you whisper in response.

He goes and gets you a white shirt and brings it over to you.

"Here" he whispers, his voice strained.

You stand up and slowly peel your own shírt off as you face the mirror.

You could see him stood behind you, walking closer until you could feel his hot breath on your neck.

You slowly lean back into his chest as he starts gently kissing you.

The both of you kept eye contact the whole time, even as he starts undoing your bra

"H/n" you gasp as his hands run up and down your spine.

"Is this okay?" he asks and you nod your head.

"Nothing will change between us, right?" you ask as his hands move to the frónt of your body.

"Everything is going to change" he rasps.

"You're mine now, nobody elses, do you understand that?" he asks.

"Yes" you breathlessly whisper as he bends you over, the eye contact never lost through the mirror.


Word count = 381 


I know this is very short but I haven't posted in ages.
A little heads up, I'm about to post like 10 different really short stories so sorry for the spam

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