||11|| Christmas 🤍

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"MUMMY, DADDY WAKE UP" your 5 year old daughter screams as she runs into your bedroom.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS" her twin brother shouts as they jump on you and your husband.

Your husband nuzzles his into the crook of your neck trying to escape the madness.

"Daddy no, we need to get up" your daughter commands as she tries to drag him out of bed.

"Save me" he whispers before you hear him fall onto the floor.

"LOOK AT THIS MUMMY LOOK I GOT A BABY" your little girl screams as she opens her presents.

"DADDY LOOK LOOK I GOT A BIKE" your son shouts.

"Did santa get you what you wanted?" your husband asks as they continue ripping open all their presents.

"YES YES YES" they scream in unison.

"You're both so lucky" you smile as you hug them.

"I'm going to go put some breakfast on, pancakes?" you ask.

"YES" they shout whilst playing with their new toys.

As you were making breakfast your husband came up behind you and handed you a small box.

In it sat the necklace you saw on your very first date, 10 years ago.

"You didn't" you whisper in disbelief as a single tear rolls down your face.


Word count = 205

I know this is extremely short but it's just something sweet 💗

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