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Hey, so, my dumbass kinda worked up the courage to do this... so maybe, like... don't... make me regret it? I dunno, it'd just be cool if I didn't but whatever...

I just wanna put it out there, I am not American. So I have no idea how really anything works over there, so if somethings wrong just ignore it please. But I will use more American words such as "elevator" as opposed to "lift" same with like "closet" and stuff, but thats only because Taylor is American. And probably a lot of people who decided to torture themselves by reading this book are too.

And what's with yalls spellings over there. Like is it just natural for you to spell jewellery like jewelry? And where'd the S in maths go? It's just math?

Also what's up with the school system there? Like the fuck you mean you don't have geography but you have these made up compiund subjects - that should only be studied in college - instead? Genuinely some aspects of that country are messed up. I can't wrap my head around some things.

Anyway I have so much more to say on this topic but I've been blabbing this whole time so lemme just say it straight up. I decided to write shitty imagines about if Taylor Swift was your mother!

And I'm smart but stupid so a lot of things won't be thought out, but the most irrelevant things will have the deepest explanations and backstories, I dunno why but my brain just does that, so have fun! Also If you have any requests you'd like me to do you could just drop them in the comments.

And yes I know I've said "also" and "like" a million times in this but you can look past that. Bye!

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