PR Boyfriend

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Yet another chapter written while fighting sleep, and I honestly can't tell whether I like it or not, but I hope you do. Also I have no idea if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes in this cause I'm too lazy to check.

Age: 15


"A what?!" I yell, my voice a clear mix of shock and slight horror.

"A PR boyfriend." Tree reiterates.

"But why? I'm not even famous, nobody cares about me they only know about me because of who my mother is!"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean people don't pay attention to you. I think that you could really benefit from this Y/n."

"Benefit how? All this is doing is helping mom, but from what exactly?" I question, confusion laced in my tone.

"Well, it would help protect her image."

"You mean her having a queer daughter makes her look bad? How? She's been nothing but supportive towards the LGBTQ+ community. If anything, having a queer daughter would boost her image!" My voice raises slightly towards the end, the situation getting under my skin in a way nothing else has ever before.

"But we can't take any risks at the moment, you know that. She's at the peak of her career. If something - let alone her daughter - interfered with that there would be no going back, no way to get back up there. We can't risk your relationship ruining her reputation."

That cut deep. The fact that my mom's publicist - a woman I've considered an aunt my whole life - thinks that if I were to simply be myself in public situations, I could ruin my mom's whole career right at its peak.

This was not at all what I was expecting to hear when Tree pulled me away from mom to talk to me privately. She showed up at the house earlier this afternoon, claiming she needed to have a chat alone with me about something important. She took me into the living room - far enough away so that mom was just out of earshot - and then she springs this upon me.

Mom, having heard my yelling, pokes her head around the doorframe, eyes locking on mine, her blue irises swimming with concern. "What's going on here? Why was there yelling?"

Tree turns her head to face her. "Nothing you should be concerned about, Taylor. Now, if I could just sort this out with Y/n, you'll be informed once a decision has been made."

"I won't do it! Mom, tell Tree that she can't force me to do anything I don't want to do." I protest, turning to mom.

She walks further into the room, standing beside the arm of the couch and placing a delicate hand on my shoulder.  "That depends what she's trying to get you to do." She says, looking between Tree and I.

"I'm simply implying it would be beneficial if she were to be involved in a PR relationship." Tree states calmly, shooting me a warning glare.

"Well, that's not too bad,  is it?" Mom questions, focusing her gaze on me.

"Mom, she's trying to make me fake date some random guy, because apparently, the worlds biggest popstar can't have an openly gay kid, even though she's been supporting the community for years!"

Mom's face falls at my words, turning to look at Tree once again. "Tree, how would that be a bad thing? She's right, I've supported the community very publicly for years. Why should we draw the line at letting my kid be who she is?"

"I just think with how well everything has been going the last while, this could help keep things stay at that level for a little while longer." She explains, her voice steady.

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