At the facility, we were allowed to leave three times a month. We were also allowed visitors once a month. There was a catch. Our powers were meant to be kept hidden as best as possible including the location we trained. We could not let anyone who wasn't a close family member know where we were coming from or where we were going.
It was no different at the S-Force. We were allowed two whole days out of the month to explore the outside world but we weren't allowed visitors.
"OK does anyone have a family member nearby or- wait!" Yvonne suddenly paused and turned to an unimpressed Toni. "I completely forgot."
Toni shook her head, her arms folded. "Aren't you sharp as a cutlass."
"Sorry." Yvonne apologized, an embarrassed look on her face. "So here's the plan. We decide on where to go today and Toni portals us there."
"Deal." The rest of us agreed.
"So where are we going?" Yvonne asked us.
Jacqueline and I looked at each other then looked at Toni and Yvonne.
"Why don't we go to Toni's?" Jacqueline suggested.
"We could but I haven't called my parents since I got here. They don't even know I'm here. I can't go home yet. Maybe next time."
"Ok then. Yvonne?" Jacqueline turned back to Yvonne.
"Why not?" Yvonne shrugged. "Toni?"
"I guess we can go to your house." Toni agreed. "So we all agree we're going to Yvonne's for today."
"Yes." We said in unison.
"Alright." She let out a breath and got into a sprinter's pose. "Are you guys ready?"
"Yes." We repeated.
"Hang tight." She instructed then took off. She raced around us, purple blur with sparks surrounding us. A moment later, a hole formed in the ground below us.
"Brace yourselves." Her distorted voice warned us as we fell down into the hole.
We passed through a blur of purple hues and orange sparks. Toni was above us, her arms flying every which way.
"Kylie use your telekinesis so we don't have a difficult landing." She told me.
"On it." I replied. A hole materialised below us at that moment and we headed towards it.
"Now Kylie. Now!" Toni yelled.
I closed my eyes and focused on my surroundings and everyone nearby. I raised my arms and took control of the force surrounding their bodies. One by one, went through the hole and landed softly on the ground.
"Finally a landing that didn't bruise my ribs." Toni clasped her hands together and raised them so it was eye level to her forehead. She then threw a hand over my shoulder and drew me close. "I'm keeping her." She announced.
"Aren't you two the cutest?" Jacqueline teased us.
"Let me go see if anyone is home." Yvonne told us then went through a door, leaving the three of us alone.
Yvonne's house was colourful and full of all kinds of decorations. A sitting pit complete with soft cushions and pillows. A small table with a colourful vase on top. Vases of different shapes, sizes and colours were in every corner. They all had different plants and flowers in them that gave the place a fresh scent. Portrait slips were hung around the room. Yvonne, her mother, father and brother each had their own and a large one - obviously the main attraction out of all of them - had all four of them together.
"This is nicer than any house I've been in." Jacqueline said as she craned her neck in different directions.
"Damn how many houses have you been in?" Toni snickered.
"More than you think." The sudden sombre tone in Jacqueline's voice caused a tense silence to take over.
Yvonne's voice accompanied by footballs broke the silence. "Guys meet my brother, Selim. Selim meet Toni, Jacqueline and Kylie." She pointed us out one by one.
"Nice to meet you. I'd shake or hug you guys but I don't think you'd want loamy soil all over your clothes."
"It's no problem. You guys have a lovely home." Toni complimented.
"Thank you. Make yourselves comfortable. Yvonne will take care of you guys. I'll join you guys when I'm done with this project."
"Take all the time you need." Jacqueline assured him.
"Of course. Yvonne there's some beef you can grill and ingredients to put together stir fry noodles."
"I'll see you later Kylie, Josephine and Nicole." He hurriedly left before we could correct him on Toni and Jacqueline's names.
But he knew my name. A smile spread all over my face without my permission at the thought of him remembering it so easily.

The S-Force
RandomA group of superheroes who are fast approaching the end of their training and beginning their official superhero internship in a post apocalyptic world discover they must work together when they discover a new threat that threatens to throw the worl...