I blew out a breath that turned to ice unto the floor. My opponent slipped and simply laid there.
"Get up. We haven't got all day." I clapped my hands loudly to get his attention.
"Shut up!" He groaned while still on the floor.
Matt and I possessed the same powers, cryogenic abilities. My powers had a higher range than his. I could use my hands, feet and mouth to freeze anything and he could only freeze things with his hands. Despite his limitations, he was quite proficient and brilliant at using his powers.
Matt got up and wasted no time blasting out shards of ice at me but I put up an ice shield to counter his attack.
"That all you got?" I taunted as the shards of ice shattered against my shield and fell to the floor.
"I'm just warming up." He huffed.
He brought out a ball of ice and sent it flying against my ice shield. It lodged itself in my shield. He sent another ice ball flying and was able to make another big crack in my shield. He sent a third and broke through the shield.
"Impressive." I said sarcastically.
"I'm going easy on you." Matt rolled his eyes. "Alright. Time to get serious."
He sent a blast of ice up in the air then sent it in my direction. I hurriedly jumped out of the way before it could hit me. I sent a blast of ice on my own just before I landed on the ground, stunning Matt.
"You know what your problem is Matt?" I asked while I stood up and dusted my uniform. "You refuse to be humble." I walked up to the frozen boy.
"Training complete. Candidate 94N unfreeze candidate 53R and report to the conference room." The voice of the moderator filled the room.
I put my hand on his thorax - the place my ice blast hit him - and extracted the blast from out of him. I felt the chill run through me as I did so. When he'd been melted enough, I walked out of the training room and headed for the conference room. Matt was going to be back to normal in a minute and I did not want to be around for that.
The doors to the conference room slid open the moment I stood before it and I entered, taking it as an invitation.
"You are probably wondering why you have been summoned." The woman at the centre said, her expression neutral.
"I am." I said confidently even though my heart was racing.
"We are not going to waste your time young one."
A slab of stone slid up from out of the ground. On it was a slip. I moved to it and picked it up cautiously. I activated it with my fingerprint and watched a holographic image shoot out of the device.
Congratulations Jacqueline Jean-Baptiste(Candidate 94N). You have been selected out of several candidates to join the Super Force. A representative will be pick you up shortly.
The S-Force. I was going to be part of the S-Force.
"Yes you are going to be a part of the Super Force." The chief speaker that sat on the left spoke.
My eyes widened, realising I had actually said that out loud.
"Make your instructors at this academy proud. Keep up with the dedication and skill you've shown when you get there." The chief speaker at the centre said.
"And all the best." The chief speaker on the right said, a small smile on her face.
I nodded respectfully at them. "Thank you and I will not let any of you down."

The S-Force
De TodoA group of superheroes who are fast approaching the end of their training and beginning their official superhero internship in a post apocalyptic world discover they must work together when they discover a new threat that threatens to throw the worl...