17: Yvonne

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"It was an honour watching you all. Although we all wish to add everyone to this elite team, that simply cannot be possible."

The words of The Bulkman obviously final but it took a lot of people by surprise. Toni's instincts were right. He proceeded to read out a list of names. Toni's was called first on the list or I hoped it was because she never mentioned her name being Antonia. The slight confusion and mini debate almost made me miss hearing my name. I resisted the urge to jump for joy so I would not embarrass myself. More names were called including Kylie's. I didn't hear Jacqueline's name.

"If your name was mentioned, congratulations. For those who weren't mentioned, it's the end of the road. You are to leave first thing tomorrow. Have a good day." The Bulkman and the rest of the S-Force left the room immediately after.

I searched for the others. Luckily I found Jacqueline first and hugged her without thinking.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I whispered.

"Huh but you got through to the next stage."

"Yeah but you- oh you got through too?" I didn't hear your name so I thought-"

"Oh the Bulkman called my name. Before yours even."

"Oh that was when I was debating on Toni's name."

"You taught that too? She never mentioned her name being Antonia."

"She never ever talks about herself actually." I narrowed my eyes in deep thought.

"She's hiding something." Jacqueline said bitterly.

Kylie came over to join us. "We made it guys."

"Yeah..." Jacqueline mumbled.

I pulled us into a group hug. "I am so happy for us. None of us are going back home."

"I feel like I can finally breathe." Kylie laughed.

"There is definitely another test coming up and we have to be prepared." I grumbled.

"Thanks for ruining the mood." Kylie huffed.


"Hey guys." Toni walked up to us.

"Looks like you were right." I wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah well."

"Yeah." Jacqueline said shortly and walked off.

"You should apologise." I let Toni know.

"And I will. Now is just not the right time."


"I faced off against Spencer in the one-on-one challenge."

"Oh my gosh!" Kylie gasped.

"Yeah. She's definitely going to be double pissed at me." Toni groaned.

"You're going to have to apologise sooner rather than later." I advised.

"I am already dreaded it." Toni admitted.

"So Antonia." I teased.

"I have no idea how they found out my real name. I registered Toni Pinnock at my home facility and everything."

Kylie suddenly snorted. "Tough luck Antonia."

Kylie and I stared at each other and we suddenly burst out laughing. "Now why would you say that?"

"I'm sorry." Kylie said through her cackles. "It's just so funny for some reason."

"Like it's not funny-" I tried to say but I ended up laughing.

"-but it is girl." Kylie finished for me and we both cackled louder.

"Are you finished?" Toni rolled her eyes when our laughter died down.

"Yeah I am." I wiped at a tear from my eye. Kylie was still giggling, a tear rolling down her cheek as well. I shook my head affectionately at her antics.

That's when I made eye contact with the male senior trainee. My first instinct was to look away but I thought better of it. I couldn't afford to come off as someone easily intimidated. I maintained eye contact with him, blinking only a few times. He nodded and smirked at me, clearly impressed. He finally looked away when his female counterpart began talking from beside him.

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