19: Kylie

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"You know what Toni?" Yvonne threw an arm around the darker skinned girl.

"What?" Toni asked, suspicion clearly on her face and in her voice.

"I'll make you a deal."


"We'll go to my house for the millionth time but next time we're going to your house."

Toni gulped.

"And in return, we'll stop calling you Antonia once and for all."

"Wait really?"



"How bad can it be?"

"Oh you have no idea." Toni scoffed. "But you got yourself a deal."

"Yayyyyy!" Yvonne cheered, drawing attention from the others in the common room.

We changed into regular clothes and walked out of the headquarters.

"Check this out." Toni got into a sparring stance. "Yvonne?"

Yvonne stood up straight and inhaled. "Ready."

Yvonne took a deep breath and raised her hands. She pulled her arms back and raised it again. A small cyclone formed in the air then grew bigger. Toni spun herself into a cyclone and collided with the wind cyclone Yvonne had created. Toni jumped out just in time for the collision of energies their powers created. The dark purple almost black energy of Toni's cyclone to the greyish almost colourless energy in Yvonne's cyclone. It rumbled and thundered, flashes of light emanating from inside it.

"What are we looking at?" I decided to ask.

"We merged our powers to stabilise my portals. We discovered it last night."


"Long story short, Yvonne caught me practicing secretly and tried to prank my blowing me off during a portal run but created something else."

"I want to be annoyed you were practicing in secret but I am postponing it till later. It's our weekend off."

"That's the spirit." Yvonne patted my shoulder. "You go first."


"We'll need your telekenis. Now go!"

"Are you on poison rocks?"

"It's perfectly safe."

Then why don't you go?"

"I'm going to have to close it."

"I swear to all that is powerful if anything goes wrong, I am coming after you."

"We promise. Now go!" Yvonne nudged me into the energy cyclone.

We floated through the cyclone, me below everyone else. The air was brutal and from above me, Toni and Yvonne joined hands.

"Ready?" Yvonne's voice was faint over the heavy wind.

"Ready!" Toni replied.

The wind picked up even more and lightning bolts flashed all around us.

"Now Kylie now!" Toni and Yvonne yelled in unison.

I raised my hands and closed my eyes trying to focus on my surroundings as best as I could. I took control of the force of everything just in time. The cyclone began to shrink and soon it was like it was never there. We landed in Yvonne's sitting pit, startling her parents and brother.

"What in Amargeddon is going on?" Her mother yelped and was on her feet immediately, armed with a cushion. Somehow she looked menacing even with a pillow in her hand.

"Yvonne!" Her father barked but there was no hiding the fear slowly fading from his face.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Yvonne exclaimed gently, a sheepish smile on her face. "Sorry I frightened you."

"You didn't frighten us." Her father lied.

"You didn't tell us you were coming." Her mother walked away, her makeshift weapon now underneath her armpit.

"This is the day I usually come." Yvonne followed behind her mother. "Third weekend every month."


"Is there anything to eat?" She asked her mother.

Their voices disappeared into the kitchen. We took that as our cue to stand up.

"Sorry for startling you, Mr Roberts." Toni apologised.

"It's fine. You can make yourselves at home."

"Thank you." We replied.

We walked out of the sitting pit and followed after Yvonne and her mother.

"You should rest Selim. You too Yvonne." Mrs Roberts' voice could be heard as we got closer to the door. "It's important to work as hard as you can but you shouldn't neglect yourselves."

"I'm fine mummy." That voice that always made me nervous spoke.

"I walked in on you sleeping on the deep freezer." Mrs Roberts said, obviously exasperated. "Go sleep in your room and don't go to your workshop until tomorrow morning."

"It's a laboratory mummy."

"I've heard you now go and sleep."

A dreamy sigh that had my heart beating faster could be heard then footfalls. The door to the kitchen was opened and I came face to face with the man who invaded my dreams every night.

"Oh hello." He said pleasantly.

I definitely wasn't breathing.

"Hi Selim." Jacqueline and Toni replied.

"Good to see you guys again. I wish I could stick around but I have to catch up on some much needed sleep."

"Yes of course." Jacqueline agreed.

"See you guys later." He said, his gaze fixed on me.

I finally regained my ability to breathe when he disappeared from sight.

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