Chapter 5

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***1 Month Later***
Ty'Quez POV
Things between me and Kristy have been pretty awkward. She won't let me kiss her and if I do sneak one, she starts fighting me. Me and Stacey go out now though. I knew I couldn't keep making up excuses. "So, you know the other day at football conditioning, you were slacking up." Stacey said as we held hands and walked down the halls. "Yeah." I mumbled. "Everything okay?" She asked. I nodded my head. She shrugged her shoulders and we kept walking. Low-key, I miss Kristy though like for real for real. She's my bestfriend and I didn't mean to hurt her at all.

Kristy POV
I know. Yall probably like, "Why won't you talk to Quez Kristy." Well guess what. He knows exactly why I'm mad. Call me petty and what not but I'm still mad at Quez for what happened a month ago. He always complained how he ain't like Stacey. How she was aggravating. Annoying. Desperate. A hoe. And all of a sudden, they all lovey dovey and that's just stupid! So yeah. I'm still mad at him. Plus, when I'd try and talk to him, he'd always push me away or ignore me so I gave up. No I won't let him kiss my cheek. At all anymore. His "girl", Stacey, told me to stay away from him and never talk to him ever again which I was already doing because he was being fake. Speak of the devil. Here comes Ty'Quez right now. "Hey bestfriend." Quez said. I stopped walking and mugged him. He tried to pick me up but I threw my notebook at him before his hands reached my waist. "I'm done with this." He said. "Great! Me too. It's good to see you're giving up on our friendship." I snapped. He stared at me. He then took my books and ran down the hall. I chased him. He took a sharp left and ran down the stairs. I walked fast down the stairs cause I had on a skirt. He jumped off the 2nd to last step and continued running. I ran after him again once I reached the bottom step. "Slow down!" Somebody yelled. I slowed down and just sped walked. Ty'Quez then turned onto the 6th grade hall knowing he'd get in trouble. I wasn't gonna walk on that hall and get myself in trouble. I sighed and just walked to my 1st period. The teacher was taking role when she called my name. "Kristy." She said. "Here!" I yelled out of breath. "Ty'Quez." She yelled. "Ty'Quez?" She repeated. "Here!" He said bursting through the class. Everybody laughed. "You have lunch detention for being late to my class." She said. He shrugged his shoulders and sat next to me. "Here bestfriend." He said. I reached for my books. "Uh-uh." He said. "Boy give me my books." I said. "Kiss me." He said. I looked straight back at the board cause I wasn't gonna kiss him. He can forget that.

Ty'Quez POV
I don't know what Kristys problem is. I'm not giving her back her books though. "Take out your textbooks and turn to page 30 please." The teacher asked us. I stared at Kristy and she stared at me. "May I please have my book." She said holding her hand out. I high-fived her hand playfully. "May I please have a kiss?" I asked. "No. Now give me my book." She said. "No. Give me a kiss." I said. "Ain't you got a girl." She snapped holding out her other hand for her book. "Ty'Quez and Kristy." The teacher said. We directed our attention to her. "Is there a reason you two are talking and why you don't have your book Kristy?" She asked. "Ty'Quez stole all of my books and my belongings." She said mugging me. "Well she won't talk to me anymore." I quickly defended myself. She rolled her eyes. "Ty'Quez, give her back her stuff and both of you have detention." She said. Kristy sucked her teeth as the teacher wrote out our detention slips. The bell then rung and everybody stood up. "Great job dumbness." Kristy said as she proceeded to walk away. I quickly grabbed her by her hips. "Let go of me!" She yelled. "Tell me what your problem is." I demanded. "I don't have to tell you nothing. Remember? You're done." She said trying to move my hands as I tightened my grip on her. "Better go before yo' girl come though." She said. "This is all about Stacey?!" He snapped. "No! Of course not." She said sarcastically. "Now let go." She said pushing my chest. "I've gotta go anyways." She said taking her things and then walking off to her 2nd period. I watched her walk away. A tear fell from my eye and I quickly blinked it away. They started coming faster and I kept blinking them away. "What's your problem?" Stacey asked. I quickly brushed past her and walked away to gym.

Stacey POV
Call me crazy, but I think Quez was crying just now. I decided to go find Kristy. "Kristy!" I yelled once I saw her. She turned around and walked faster. "Get her." I told one of the boys to corner her and they did just that. "Come with me." I said once I got closer to her. I grabbed her by her arm. "You don't grab nobody by they arm. Especially not no black girl. You got that twisted." She said letting go of my grip. I rolled my eyes. "And why you grabbing me like you own me." She asked again. "I told you to stay away from Ty'Quez did I not?" I said. "Yep. Now did you tell Ty'Quez to stay away from me?" She said smirking and walking off. This girl gets on my nerves.

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