Chapter 7

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Ty'Quez POV
I decided I'd go over to Kristys today. I texted her and I've called her. She ignores them and continues with her day. It makes me mad so I'm just gonna go pay her a nice surprise. I walked up on the steps and their front door was open. The screen door was locked shut though. When I walked up closer I looked inside of the house. I saw her sitting on the couch with some boy. He had her wrapped in his arms. I quickly got mad. My blood went from 0-100 real quick. No lie. I started banging on the screen door. She looked over and saw me. She sighed and dragged over to me. She had on joggers and a white tank top. "What." She snapped as she walked over to the door. I pulled her outside. "Who is he." I asked. "A friend. Someone who I talk to since you aren't there." She said smooshing her finger in my chest. That made me even madder. I felt my vein popping. "Go find Stacey. That's who you wanted remember. You complained about her yet you kissed her, avoided me for her, ignored me, and now all of a sudden you wanna talk? Man you can get the stepping out my life for real." She said. She turned around to walk inside but I pulled her body to mines. "That's why you're so mad?" I asked. "No I'm mad because my movie ain't come out yet." She said. "My bad." She said throwing her hands up dramatically. I could tell she was being sarcastic. I threw her over my back. "Put me down!" She hollered. I opened her screen door. "Aye man." I said walking through the screen door. The boy turned around. I put her on her feet. "Look. Me and Kristy are about to hang out. You can come by later though." I said scooting the boy out the house. "Bye now!" I said slamming and locking the door. I followed after Kristy who ran upstairs to her room. She started freaking out when she saw me walk in. "Calm down." I said as she squirmed on the bed. I sighed and walked up to her. And placed her body on the bed gently and I laid my body over hers. She kept trying to squirm and I just laid there until she stopped. She them started crying. I kissed her to calm her down and she moaned. I blushed. "My bad." She said pushing me off of her. I got up and went to go lock the room door. I took my shirt off and placed it on her nightstand. She stared at me and I stared back at her.

Kristy POV
"Why you acting special." Ty'Quez asked as I looked at his tattoo he got last year. It was a tattoo of my name. He got that back when he was 14 which was last year because I was really really sick. His mom doesn't know he has it. I'm the only person who knows. I have a tattoo of him too on my upper right thigh. His is on his top right shoulder. "You gon' answer me?" He asked. I just stared at him. I looked him up and down. "What do I have to do for you to answer me?" He asked as he laid down beside me. I laid on top of him. "I don't know." I said. "I apologize for hurting you." He said kissing my cheek. "I forgive you." I answered. "So we cool?" He asked raising my shirt. "Yeah. I guess." I said helping him. He smiled and kissed my neck. "Wait." I said pushing him off of me. "Aren't you with Stacey?" I asked him. "No. I broke up with her because I love you too much to continue hurting you. Plus I only dated her to get your attention." He said as he pulled down my pants. "What you doing?" I asked stopping him. "Making you comfortable." He said. "Why, so we can have sex?" I asked him. He laughed. "No woman. No." He said. I giggled. "Hol' up. Quez." I said. "Bestfriend," I began. "You still a virgin right?" I asked. He just stared at me. "You're not a virgin?!" I asked him. He shook his head. "Oh my god. Bestfriend!" I yelled. "What?!" He said. "What did it feel like?" I asked jumping on top of his body. "It was aight I guess." He said scratching his head. "Does your mom know?" I asked. "Nope. And she's not gonna know either." He said. "Who'd you lose it to?" I asked him. "Courtney." He said. "Wait, Volleyball player Courtney?" I asked. "Yep. We did it in 7th grade in the bathroom after school at practice." He said. I stared at him. I bit my bottom lip as I stared at him harder. He pulled me into a kiss. "I love you Kristy." He said into my neck. "I love you too." I said in between gasps. "Can I?" He asked pleasuring me. I hesitated. "I'm still a virgin." I mumbled. "I know. A good girl like you should still be a virgin." He said. "Please go easy on me." I begged as he laid me down and spread my legs open. "I will trust me aight Kristy. I love you too much to hurt you again." He said. I held onto him and cried as he entered himself inside of me. I stared into his eyes. As I cried, he kissed me and told me not to worry.

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