Chapter 6

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Two hours later, and Arthur heads into the office. I dragged him into the office, and he sees the findings that me and Adam have discovered.

"What am I looking at?" Arthur asked.

I guided him to the key events underneath the dates, "Well I don't know if you can see, but these were the dates of the start of each holiday." He then peaked with interest, "So 27th October being the start of half term and Halloween, 1st May being the start of May half term, and 25th July being the start of the summer holidays."

After scanning through, Arthur was interested, but still confused. He asked us both, "why would someone do that?"

Adam came in with an answer, "To ruin our holidays. To put a halt to big plans like Lydia's, and to make the lives of those still working during the holidays hell. So maybe they can have the customer all to themselves."

Arthur looked at both of us, with pride knowing we were the right duo for the job, "Maybe both of you were right. With the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, we can't afford to have another bad summer holidays."

"What now?" I asked.

"Both of you chat to Alisha and Simon again tomorrow and report back to what you told me", he commanded, "I'll keep an update on Deidre and get back to you as soon as we hear an update. But good job today guys. Have a good night."

We both looked at eachother, fist bumping eachother as if to say well done, and walked out of the office, with our arms around each other. But we knew it wasn't the end yet.

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