part 4

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after dinner everyone piles on to the couch to watch a movie, me and Lynn sit next to each other 

I try to watch the movie but the only thing I can focus on is the girl sitting next to me and the way our thighs touch as we sit

- - - - - 

the movie ends and all the younger brothers and sisters go to bed so now its only me, Lynn, Luna, Luan, Leni and Lori all on the couch 

"what do you guys wanna do?" I ask once we are alone 

"even though its dark I think it would be fun to all go on a walk" Lori suggests

"that would be fun" Luna adds

"ok definitely" Lynn says 

we all nod and go to put on our shoes 

once we are outside we all start walking together with me and Lynn following behind everyone 

"so.. have you guys found any cute beach boyfriends yet?" Lori asks the group "or girlfriends, sorry Luna and Lynn" she catches herself 

"not yet" Leni says 

"no" Luan answers 

I just stay silent because only Luna knows that I have even considered liking girls  

"Jules...?" Lori asks 

"oh... um no" I say quietly 

"really? you were out like all day today today and your so pretty, I'm surprised you don't have boys all over" Lori says 

I just shrug and try to avoid the topic, "Leni I'm surprised you don't have a new boy toy yet" I try to take their focus off me 

Leni just shrugs but Luan brings the conversation back to me, "wait why are you avoiding our question Jules?"

the whole group turns to me and Lynn lifts one eyebrow 

"I'm not" I lie

they all still stare at me 

"what do you want? why are you guys looking at me like that" I question

"are you lying to us about having a boyfriend?" Lori asks 

"no" I say 

"then why are you avoiding our questions" she questions 

"its just" I try to find my words "I don't like guys like that... I... I think I'm gay" I say looking at the ground 

they all squeal and jump on me 

"jesus guys don't crush me" I say 

"we're just too happy" Luna says grinning

they all hug me until I push them off 

"when are you gonna tell the rest of the family" Lori asks 

"I'm just gonna let them find out on their own" I shrug 

they all nod and go back to chatting by themselves while me and Lynn fall behind 

"you know... if you think you're gay" Lynn walks next to me with our arms brushing "you're definitely gay" she laughs 

I roll my eyes and laugh "oh whatever"

she smiles at me with those damn dimples again and I cant help but stare 

Lynn finally breaks the silence "jet skiing tomorrow?" 

"what... oh yeah definitely" I say caught off guard 

she nods and we walk in a comfortable silence sort of listening to the other girls conversation but not really

- - - - -

we get back to our Air BNB and its pretty late so everyone just goes to their rooms and goes to sleep 

me and Lynn walk into our room and I go into the bathroom to change into my pajamas, brush my teeth, and do skincare 

after that Lynn walks into the bathroom after me and does the same thing 

we both meet back in our room and lay on our phones for a while

"today was fun" I say randomly 

"yeah it was" Lynn smiles 

we both put our phones on the charger and get into bed and don't say a word after that 

i lay in bed thinking about how good it feels to have Lynn laying next to me until I finally drift off to sleep 


heyyy this was a short chapter I'm sorry

but Jules finally came out! so big news

please vote

hope you enjoyed <3

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