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Almost halfway through Laena's pregnancy, Daemon found himself in a difficult position. Baela and Rhaena both seemed to enjoy their life in Pentos, but Evaelysse was always so sad. She spent more and more time with her dragon, but when Daemon approached her about this, she barely had an answer to give him.

"I'm not sad." She told him one day. "Sometimes I wish that I knew the rest of my family. You always tell me about how I'm a princess, but I can't even remember the place I'm supposed to be from."

It was then that Daemon decided to send his daughter to ward at the Red Keep. It pained him to do so, but he knew the Evaelysse would be much happier surrounded by the rest of her family. It would also give her a chance to meet her cousins for the first time.

On the day she was leaving, Baela and Rhaena cried for hours. Evaelysse was a bit teary eyed herself, but also felt excited about her new life.

"Please, come visit once the baby is born." She begged Laena. "I hope it's a boy. I would love to have a little brother."

Laena laughed, and assured her that they would visit as soon as they were able to. Evaelysse hugged her sisters goodbye, before kissing Vhagar on the snout and mounting Caraxes.

The journey across the Narrow Sea was long, but not as long as when they had been on a ship. Vermithor and Silverwing followed behind, playing in the water and occasionally splashing Caraxes.

As they passed Dragonstone, both Daemon and Evaelysse lost sight of Silverwing. The princess craned her neck around to search for the silver dragon, but she was nowhere in sight.

"Most likely she's gone back to her lair on Dragonstone." Daemon told her. Evaelysse felt slightly disappointed, but knew that only Vermithor was hers.

When Kings Landing first came into view, Evaelysse felt a rush of excitement that she hadn't felt since she first saw the Free Cities.

Caraxes swooped low across the bay, dipping his claws into the water before splashing Vermithor in the face. The bronze dragon snorted loudly in shock, and then submerged his whole wing in the water, bringing it up in a large arc straight into Caraxes. The red dragon shrieked, and so did Evaelysse as the salt water dripped down her back.

Soon enough, the two dragons were flying over the city. The guards on the city walls had gone running at the sight of the two beasts, but then came back once they realised it was Daemon. Evaelysse didn't remember Kings Landing at all, so she made sure to take it all in from Caraxes back.

The city sprawled over three large hills, with hundreds of houses filling the gaps between the Red Keep, the Great Sept of Baelor, and another large building that Evaelysse remembered to be called the Dragonpit. That was where Caraxes was heading, and soon enough the two dragons had landed.

When Evaelysse hopped off Caraxes back, she almost fell over due to how much her legs ached. Daemon caught her at the last second, and helped her stay upright as he spoke to the dragon keepers. They seemed slightly weary of Vermithor, Evaelysse noticed, but that was to be expected. There hadn't been such a large dragon housed there since Balerion.

Daemon opted to walk to the Red Keep rather than use a carriage, and the pair walked through the streets of Kings Landing like they had lived there forever. Evaelysse felt slightly out of place, due to her out of the ordinary looks, and she clutched Daemons hand tightly.

After a long walk, the pair made it to the gates of the Red Keep. Evening had fallen upon the city, so there were fewer guards outside. Daemon and Evaelysse entered without fuss, and the young princess suddenly felt very scared. She hadn't seen the rest of her family in a long time, and she began to worry that she wouldn't fit in with them.

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