Chapter 9 - Fights and Threats

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***CATO POV***

    We had long been up by the time the others started their day. I unsure of what to do with our time clove elected to do something we always did and train.

    We'd already eaten and decided that the cleaning was the best area use. Its lack of trees and bushes made it more similar to the academy back home.

"Wanna spar?" I asked Clove. I didn't need to look at her to know she was rolling her eyes. I know she thinks that with the lack of weapons, it gave me a greater advantage. It did, but Clove is still great without her knifes. She could easily have me pinned on the ground if she wanted to.

"I'll admit it will be pretty interesting," She spoke up. We haven't spared with weapons in about 5 months and if we did it would be on the smooth academy floor. Out here in the arena the terrain was bumpy and uneven. "But you know it's not going to be fair."

"Oh come on Clover," I began. "Wouldn't it be fun?"

Even though I might physically overpower her, she was more agile and flexible. I could play offense as much as I liked but defense was Cloves territory, and she could be just as dangerous as I am.

"Fine," She finally said. "Just this once."

    Clove and I got up and started walking in circles. "You sure Clove? We wouldn't want you embarrassing yourself." I teased.

    Clove rolled her eyes, her small frame dropping into a crouch. "Don't get cocky Hadley, I might even win."

    I moved first. Lunging at her with force and speed that has brought done many others. I knew Clove was quick but I was faster — or so I thought. She darted to the side, my grasp missing by a hair. Her counterattack came swiftly — a jab aimed at my ribs, but my reflexes kicked in and I caught her wrist right before the blow landed.

    I tired to reel her in, intending to use my size and strength to overpower her, but Clove was slippery, like trying to hold onto water. She twisted out of my grip, suddenly behind me, and before I could react, a sharp pain shot through my leg as she stuck the back of knee. My balance wavered but I refused to fall.

    After I regained my footing, I turned to face her with an amused grin across my face. "You've gotten faster Clover I'll give you that."

    Clove didn't reply. Her eyes remained cold and focused. She moved to the left and my first instinct was to shift my weight in that direction, and that's exactly what I did. It was too late by the time I realized it was a trap. Clove dropped low, sweeping her leg out with deadly precision. My legs were yanked out from under me, and for a moment, I was weightless before crashing hard on my back.

    Before I could catch my breath, Clove was on top of me. Straddling my chest and pinning my arms with surprising strength. I tried to slip out of her grasp but I failed. After a while I was able to loosen my right arm a little bit which was enough to make my arm go for her waist. I grabbed Cloves waist which seemed to have made her jump a bit. After that I was easily able to flip us. I was now on top of her.

    It didn't stay like that for long. Her first instinct was a kick to the crotch and that's what she did. I felt a sharp pain going through my entire body as now she once again slipped out of my grasp. She was again the one on top of me. I was still in much pain but was able to get a few words out.

    "Low blow! You know kicks to the dick aren't allowed in training!" I screamed in pain.

    "Oh don't be a baby." She spat. "What are you going to do? Tattle to Brutus and Enobaria on me?"

    All she got from me were was a long line of curses. She moved her gaze from me up to face someone. I could tell she had an annoyed expression on her face. I looked around and that's when I saw him. It was Marvel. I turned my head around. I immediately turned pink when I noticed that Clove was still on top of me.

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