Chapter 18 - Kentwell Hadley Reunion

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"Jayden," A woman sighed, swinging open the door. "Leave that stick outside, it's not coming in."

"But Mom—!"

"No buts. Leave it."

There was the grumbling of a boy which was quickly drowned out by the words and chatter of young female voices.

"Hey Mom, hi Mrs. H," Christian greeted.

"Hey, girls."

Cato and Clove could feel their heart's race as a chorus of Hi's and Hello's hit their ears. All sweet and in a higher register than that of the boy's. The first woman spoke again.

"Christian dear," she said. "Is everything alright? You're all serious, did something happen with the babies while we were out?"

"No Mom, the babies are fine just...shut the door and cover your eyes, all of you."


"It's a surprise so cover your eyes and shut the door. I promise it's a good surprise." Kinnick spoke up.

The group was able to hear an unsure sound of agreement as well as the door closing shut. Soon after Christian reappeared around the corner and beckoned them to come back into the living room. Not wanting to overwhelm the reunion, the others hung back in the open archway that connected the dining room and living room while the blond boy and dark-haired girl stood in the living room, now facing their oblivious family members.

"Okay you can look," Christian was quick to get out of the way once the words were out of his mouth, pulling Kinnick with him in fear he may be trampled.

The collective gasp once everyone dropped their hands from their faces was almost immediately replaced by the shouting of the tornado that made a beeline for Cato. 3 of the 4 blonde girls came running for their brother while the oldest stood silently next to their mother. The impact of the 3 was enough to make him stumble a step or two before being able to give them one big group hug once he could kneel down to their level.

Rue found herself looking at the oldest of the Hadley girls, Cassidy. Stuck in shock next to her mother, her long braid going down to her knees as Cato had described in the forest. Her face was neutral though her eyes remained slightly widened, she had the same golden locks and ocean-blue eyes as her brother, then again it looked like all of the Hadley children had those traits.

Cato released the bulk of his sisters and looked up at her with a small smile. The shell of neutrality on the girl's face crumbled, tears welling in her eyes as she broke away from her mother to hug him.

"Hey it's okay," he whispered into her hair. "Everything's okay, Cass. I'm okay."

The only responses he got were sobs and a tight hug, she was just glad he was breathing.

While Cassidy was being soothed by her brother, Cato's mother was a different story. She was a thin woman, light hair and blue eyes like her children, with her delicate hands clasped over her mouth. She didn't move, only stood still as a statue with tears leaking from her eyes, like if she breathed or moved he would crumble to dust. It wasn't till Cato had successfully calmed Cassidy that he even approached her.

"Hi mom," his voice was timid and almost reminded her of the little boy he used to be.

The height difference between the two, even with his mother in heels was painfully obvious when she hugged him but she didn't care. She hugged him tight and cradled the back of his head against her neck and shoulder. She smiled and quietly sobbed. Cato could hear her thanking whatever supernatural being in the universe if any existed, that he still had a beating heart.

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