Chapter 11 - Unexpected Saves And Arguments

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    Cato could feel Clove give him a bitter and confused look of wary concern as she packed up the last of the deer meat with Peeta. Finch quickly got to them and helped them pack their mess. Cato ignored Clove, if she had something to say to him, she could tell him later, and later would only come if they were both still breathing.

    "Tie the bed rolls to the bottom of the bags, it makes them easier to carry," he instructed as he showed her how to properly tie everything off.

   The girl did so with pressure-induced precision, making sure they weren't going to lose anything or leave a trail of supplies behind them. Once done, Rue pulled the smallest of bags onto her back before running around and handing out a bag for everyone to carry. For being so young and inexperienced in combat, Cato was surprised at how well her instincts kicked in. She even thought to start destroying any evidence that they'd been there, always figuring out what to do next once her task was done.

   Cato looked around the campsite, desperately looking for what he could help with to get them out of there faster. As expected his eyes fell upon Clove, still quickly trying to pack up the deer meat they'd started storing, Peeta seemingly abandoning her to help Katniss. Before he could dart over to help, the blond felt a fat drop of water hit the top of his head. The skies seemed to turn on them as well. Ignoring the dread that the weather was giving the situation, the boy quickly made his way over to his district partner, who was walking over to Finch, to help her with packing.

   "You and the kid seem close," she hissed as she was helping Finch, who was listening to what Cato and Clove were talking about, the stress of the past few days coming to the surface. "How long were you with her? An hour?"

   "Can we not do this right now? Getting out of killing each other is only a good thing if we both live to appreciate it."

   "Enobaria and Brutus told you not to get attac—"

   Before Clove could get the rest of her words out, a piercing gunshot fired through the clearing. As the rain began to pour all the children looked up to see the stark white of the peacekeeper uniform starting to emerge from the forest. Their guns gleamed off the little sun making it through the clouds and rain.

   The 9 tributes dashed in the opposite direction faster than they had when escaping the arena, leaving anything unpacked behind. The Peacekeeper's combat boots, loudly following them, the mud doing no help to slow them down. Peeta seemed to be leading the group through the woods, randomly taking turns and dips through the forest. The 4 careers, Thresh, and Katniss were bringing up the back of the herd, running for dear life and trying to avoid getting shot.

   "Guys, catch!"

    Both Cato and Clove looked over to see Glimmer and Marvel tossing them their weapons of choice. The knife vest Marvel threw to Clove fell into her arms harshly, the weight temporarily stalling her. Finally, they could do something they were good at.

   "Are we running or are we fighting?!" Marvel asked, spear tightly gripped in his hand. The group looked at each other unsure of turning full traitor or not, even if the Capitol was directly trying to kill them.
   "I'm not dying a coward!" Clove shouted.

"Someone cover me while I get this vest on!"

   Stopping dead in his tracks, Cato turned to the peacekeeper closest to them and ran at them full force, driving his shoulder directly into their chest.

   The fight had turned intense quickly, the gunshots ringing throughout the woods firing every which way as the Peacekeepers attempted to aim only to have one of them knock their arm before they could pull the trigger. If anyone happened to be watching all they'd see were the blurry images of them all fighting for their lives through the heavy downpour. All but Rue had joined them in their pursuit, hoping to overpower them using pure numbers and adrenaline. There were only 7 peacekeepers so far, their chances were slim but not impossible.

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