S 1, E 11

352 7 7

🎬 Rolling 🎬

Charlotte was dreading walking into the office because of that weekend. It wasn't like she regretted what happened, it was the awkwardness of it. How was she to face the man she woke up beside? That was something she was quick to figure out.

As she usual upon her arrival she headed straight for the kitchen for a small cup of coffee. There was when she figured out how to face him. She couldn't see him at any point as she was waltzing her way in but as soon as she did she froze.

He must've noticed because he looked right at her but didn't say a word. Charlotte could tell he thought something similar to her about that weekend.

She slowly placed herself against the counter, looking everywhere but at Spencer. She knew she was overreacting, but cmon, you're telling me you would be all fine and dandy after waking up next to someone whom you only talk to professionally?


Later that day at lunch Charlotte was sitting beside Zoey on one of the couches out in the open just chatting about anything and everything.

Realizing they hadn't actually talked about the party, Zoey brought it up. "Soo the party! I was feeling terrible so I had to sit out in my car for the majority of it. What did you do?" 

"Well funny you asked." She awkwardly laughs. "So for the most part I was playing beer pong outside but I left that after a round because I could tell I was drunk as all get out. I found a bedroom to lie down in but that didn't last long because someone was knocking on the door. Take a random guess as to who I found on the other side of it..."

Zoey's jaw dropped. "Stop ohmygod. Was it Spencer?" Her voice gets a bit louder. 

Charlotte smacks her upper arm. "Shut up. But yes. 'twas him."

"Did yall like???" She raises her eyebrows insinuating they could've hooked up.

"No, what the hell?" Charlotte acts disgusted. "I literally let him in and immediately laid back down. But get this, I don't remember if we talked but I do know when I woke up he was asleep on the bed too."

"Aww wait that's kind of cute."

"Sure if you think so. I was feeling sick so he drove me home too." Charlotte adds.

"He is such a gentleman! Charlotte if yall don't get together I'm gonna kill you. Seriously."

"Well then, I'll start planning my own funeral. He hasn't spoken to me all day, which I hate to say, is weird. I was just starting to get used to how often he'd visit me." 

"Let me get this right, the night of the party yall ended up in the same room, woke up beside one another, he drove you home, and now he's not talking to you??" Zoey questions.

"Uh-huh. I mean I could've said something to him too but why would I do that." 

"What if he thinks you don't remember what happened so he's assuming you remember the wrong thing? That could be it, he won't talk to you because he wants you to come to him on your own terms." 

"Ehh. It's fine. Maybe I'll find it in me to talk to him, maybe I won't."


The rest of her work day was very uneventful. She didn't do much except for some reading and research. 

Spencer never showed up. Maybe she shouldn't have begun to think him talking to her would become a daily occurrence. He was probably busy filming or being a director. Those things take a while to do, so she couldn't blame him either.

She left work with an expressionless face. It was unlike her and Zoey could tell but wasn't going to ask her about it. Zoey knew she pried too much sometimes and figured this would be a moment where she would do just that. 

As soon as Charlotte was at home she went straight to her bedroom. Throwing herself onto the bed she laid there, staring at the ceiling. She didn't move until her stomach started growling, knowing that if she didn't eat soon she'd regret it. 

On her way to the kitchen she heard her phone go off. She made sure to remember to check it after she ate something. Digging through her fridge she found some leftovers and settled for that. 

After she had finished eating she grabbed her phone and sat down, her cat making his way into her lap, binding her to the couch. Everyone knows you shouldn't move until the cat does.

Turning on her phone she read messages from Zoey and once she scrolled past those she saw one from Spencer. 

Deciding Zoey could wait a few more minutes Charlotte opened Spencer's text.


Spencer (Smosh)

Hey, just wanted to let you know that we're scheduled to film the games video tomorrow. I'm sorry it's such short notice, i've been super busy. 

It's fine don't worry haha

I'm sorry if this is invasive in any way, but is everything okay with you? I noticed you looked not yourself...

I would've come over today but they had me in and out of meetings :/

Everything's fine lol, today was super exhausting for no reason.

Okay, and it's not because of last weekend? Because if I did something to make you feel weird it was not my intention and I completely apologize. I wanted to give you space today in case, was that wrong of me to do?

No, no omg. I don't remember much besides waking up needing to puke and then you dropping me off. You did everything right, promise :)

Well that's great to hear! Can't wait for tomorrow. I'll also give you a run down of the game beforehand just so you have some knowledge and aren't going in blind!

Oh thank you so muchhh


🎬 Cut 🎬

Note to filmmakers:

I had to pause writing this 3 different times and its the shortest chapter yet (950 words)

but hehee the development !!!! ;)

Behind The Scenes, Spencer AgnewWhere stories live. Discover now