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🎬 Rolling 🎬

The past few weeks Charlotte has returned back to her typical day at work. She's been working on more scripts for people and has finished a main channel sketch. Since they typically film everything for the month in a single week there wasn't any more talk of her being in a video recently.

Her and Zoey have had more late night conversations about anything and everything, some of them even going off rails leading them to talking about their coworkers, which Charlotte may have accidentally let it slip that she has gotten closer to Spencer. Zoey of course made that a huge deal, something about her having to plan their wedding and beginning to pick out names for their future children.

Of course it was all jokes, Charlotte wasn't giving her any real updates about their blossoming friendship, Zoey was just being her usual self.


As Charlotte was taking a small break she was sat in her office, absentmindedly scrolling through her phone when she got a text from Spencer. She thought that was odd, he was in the same building so she wondered why he didn't just come to her office.

Putting that behind her she opened it and instantly her questions were answered.


Spencer (Smosh)

Hey!! Last minute but we're about to film a tntl and I want you to be in the audience soo if you want to watch you can :)


She didn't feel the need to respond that she would be there she just hearted his text and made her way to the stage.

When she got there not many people were there oddly enough. She saw a few of whom she assumed would also be in the video and the crew. Nobody was in the audience yet so she took the closest seat to the front.

She noticed Spencer was talking to a few people before he looked over the room and met her gaze. It seemed like he was excusing himself from their conversation before he made his way over to where Charlotte was sitting.

"Hey! Sorry there's like nobody else here I swore they said people were making their way here a couple minutes ago." He says, standing to the side of her.

"Kind of glad nobody is here yet, I got the best seat! But I would hate to be the only one in the audience." Charlotte laughs. "Why did you want me to be here anyways? I like never come to these."

"That's exactly why, plus I figured you'd enjoy the break?" He says in a less confident tone.

"Ohh okay.." There's a moment of silence before she speaks again, "Is it because you're proud of whatever you have planned?" In the short time they've gotten closer she knows he takes pride in the things he comes up with.

"Nooo... What are you talking about?" He looks around, noticing the audience getting full. "Gotta go, talk after?" Charlotte nods in response.

Throughout the time spent watching everyone perform their bits Charlotte couldn't help but feel fuzzy inside for no apparent reason. Things were going great for her and she noticed that but definitely didn't hate it. Her friendship with Spencer was slowly becoming an outside of work thing, a few times they'd texted late into the night, Charlotte almost forgetting she had places to be early that next morning.

Behind The Scenes, Spencer AgnewWhere stories live. Discover now