S 1, E 9

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🎬 Rolling 🎬

As time went on Charlotte found herself growing more nervous for the party later tonight. She had been to one with everyone before but it was something about tonight that had her on the edge of her seat.

Disregarding that feeling she began getting ready. She started with her hair, curling it slightly and putting it up in a loose pony tail with a few strands in front of her face. Her makeup was just something light, not wanting to over do it.

Finally she was putting on her dress and was heading out of her apartment. 

Courtney didn't live that far from her, only ten minutes so it was a fairly quick car ride. When she made it to their house she parked and waited for Zoey to arrive.

It took about 15 odd minutes until she saw Zoey's car pull up behind her and she got out to  meet her friend at her car. They said their hellos and walked in together.

They were immediately greeted with loud music and bright lights scattered across the ceiling. Charlotte headed towards the kitchen to grab herself a drink while Zoey stood back and watched her.

Charlotte lingered around the kitchen, looking around at her coworkers having the time of their life. She turned her attention back to where she had last seen Zoey to find that she wasn't there. A little confused, she let it go and decided to take a seat on the couch. 

There were a few people in the living room, most of them standing up having a conversation so she was the only one sitting on the couch. Most of her time was spent staring at decorations Courtney had put up and slowly sipping on her drink.


A couple of hours had passed and Charlotte was a bit more tipsy than she would have liked to be. It didn't bother her that much, she just didn't like being insanely drunk.

She heard somebody yelling out that they were going to play a game and started heading outside to where most people were.

Charlotte noticed that beer pong was set up and her past self immediately kicked in. During her college years she would always go out and beer pong was her favorite thing to do. She had become insanely good at it. 

Tommy was the leader of sorts and got to choose teams. It was Charlotte, Angela, Trevor, and Olivia, then Courtney, Shayne, Keith, and Damien.

"Don't worry guys, when I was in college I was a beast at this!" She said, turning to her teammates. Laughter emerges from the group.

"That's reassuring, I am trash at this game!" Olivia says, pushing Charlotte to the front of everyone.

The game begins, Charlotte starting it off by making a ball into the other's cup.

They were off to a great start until they weren't. Somehow the others had gotten a boost of energy and began making a lot of their shots. The others had claimed they had enough to drink after a cup and left the rest to Charlotte. She definitely would not have chose to do this but she was a good sport and would take one for the team.

Eventually the game ends and Charlotte's team wins, they all huddle up in a circle and jump up and down screaming. It felt nice to be celebrated like that.

After everyone had settled down everybody else was down to play again but Charlotte. So she left inside to grab a glass of water and sit at the table. She began sipping on it, knowing that if she were to chug it she would definitely puke everywhere and that wasn't something she wanted to do.

Suddenly the lights had gotten extremely brighter, the music was hurting her head, everything about the place she was sitting at was doing her wrong. To others it looked as if she was about to be sick as she walked into a bedroom and shut the door behind her.

This made things a bit better, it was dark and the music was faint, so she could relax. She laid on the bed for a second before there was a knock on the door. Which she thought was weird, because why would somebody follow her to the room? Unless it was Zoey, which of course it made sense why she would follow her.

She slowly got up, yet again, and headed for the door. When she opened it she was surprisingly not met with Zoey's face but a curly-headed coworker of hers. She must have given him a confused look because he immediately started to explain himself.

"Hey, i- um, I just saw you come back here and you looked sort of sick so I just wanted to make sure you were okay and not like... dying in here. I saw you playing beer pong outside and you drank quite a bit so.."

She gives him a sloppy smile before responding, words coming out slower than the thoughts running through her mind. "Yeah, it was a lot. I'm good though, just needed to lie down for a bit everything was getting to be too much." She made her way back to the bed and sat down on the edge.

Unsure of whether she wanted him in the room he waited by the door. Charlotte noticed the hesitance to enter and waved her hand, motioning that it was okay for him to come in. Wasting no time he stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

"Have you had anything to drink?" Charlotte asks, curious because he doesn't seem like he has.

"No, actually, I haven't. I- uh don't like drinking." An awkward chuckle leaves his mouth.

"Oh. But you drank at Angela's party some weeks ago?" She questions, recalling the night they were playing spin the bottle and he chose to drink rather than answer a question.

Spencer scratches the back of his neck, buying some time to think about his response. He didn't think she remembered that night, he himself really didn't want to remember it. He knew the reason he drank was because answering that question would have made things awkward that night and every day afterwards. 

He couldn't tell her that though so he settled on the next best thing. "Just felt like it, you know. Something new. It also made me realize how much I'd rather just not drink at all." He laughs.

Charlotte responds with a 'hmph' as she lays back down and stares up at the ceiling. Spencer is awkwardly left to sit at the edge of the bed on the opposite side.

He's not really sure why he agreed to enter the room, it wasn't like there was anything he needed to talk to her about other than what he said when he first saw her. Charlotte must've felt the same as she was silent, no hint that she wanted to chat.

Spencer was looking around the room, eyes occasionally glancing over Charlotte's body. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was steady. Her hair was a bit frizzy, from what he could tell if he had seen her when she first arrived he knew it would've looked even better. 

Minutes pass and the silence has grown louder. Spencer decides to lay down as well, feeling a bit exhausted from the night, and makes sure to leave plenty of space between the two. He's practically falling off the bed but he doesn't want to overstep. After all they really don't know each other and he's not even sure why he's staying here with her.

He closes his eyes, trying to stop his brain from putting words into his head. They weren't true, no way! He wasn't staying here to make sure she woke up safe. He wasn't staying here to help her if it were needed. He definitely wasn't staying here in case she needed a ride home. Nope. That wasn't what he was doing.

Without any sign from his body, he's asleep. The thoughts are cut off, at least for the next 8 or so hours.

🎬 Cut 🎬

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