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Unfortunately Charlotte was the first awake. The last thing she remembered was being in a room with someone, she had no idea what went on. So when she woke up to see Spencer beside her she felt a bit weird. 

Charlotte slowly slides off the bed, and begins looking around for her shoes she may or may not have thrown off in the middle of the night. Apparently her walking back and forth around the room made too much noise because she heard groaning coming from the man laying on the bed. 

Her head whipped around to look at him, eyes widened upon seeing him. His hair was untamed, it fell in a different way then how he usually styled it. It was something different Charlotte wasn't used to, not like she couldn't get used to it, however.

"Hey, um. You wouldn't happen to have an idea of where my other shoe is would you?" She asks, holding up the single shoe she found.

Spencer shakes his head, letting out a yawn. "Unfortunately no. I'm sorry." He sits up watching as Charlotte goes back to looking.

A couple of minutes pass before she holds the other shoe up, squealing in excitement. "Oh thank the heavens, I can go home now!" 

Spencer laughs. "You don't feel bad or anything? I mean after last night, you just drank so much I figured you wouldn't want to drive at all." He brings himself to his feet, slipping his shoes on.

"I mean, major hangover but it's alright. I don't live far so I can man-" Her speech is interrupted by a gag. 

Spencer notices and places a hand on her back, leading her to the bathroom where she kneels down over the toilet. 

"God, I feel so pathetic. This is definitely a sight for sore eyes." She shakes her head. The feeling that she was about to puke was not leaving her anytime soon, this was honestly her worst fear. She hated all things related to throwing up, especially the action.

Spencer goes to hold her hair back in case anything were to happen so it wouldn't get in the way. His other hand softly rubs circles into her back in attempt to calm her down.

"You're fine, I promise. Happens to the best of us." He laughs. And by god if she wasn't feeling great before she was now. Something about that laugh, maybe it was due to the position they were in, but there was just something to him that made him so very attractive in her eyes. She hates to admit it but a crush was brewing. 

Time passes as they stay in that same position while Charlotte's stomach stops feeling like she was about to puke. She leans up from over the toilet to sit up straight and looks over at Spencer who's sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

"Thanks for helping me, really." She smiles. She knew she must've looked like a mad man but he didn't show signs of being thrown off by her appearance.

"Of course. Now, are you still up for driving yourself home?" He jokes.

"Okay so maybe I lied earlier and don't feel good... I don't know what else to do though, Zoey for sure can't pick me up and I don't really have anyone else who's available to do so either..."

He sarcastically gasps. "What am I then?" 

"I wasn't going to ask you because you've already done so much, I didn't want you to feel forced to say yes." 

"I was going to offer it until you said you were fine but turned out to not be fine.. So, would you like me to drive you home?" 

"That sounds perfect." She smiles back at him and they both get up and head for the front door. On their way there they pass by Shayne who's watching TV and he sends a knowing look their way, which seems to be direct at Spencer.

They make it to his car and get inside, his music from last night starts blaring and he darts to turn it down. "Oops.." He mutters under his breath.

"Do you wanna put your address in?" He asks, pulling up maps and pushing his phone her way. She grabs it and types it in her address, starting the route, and hands it back. He sets it up that way he can look at it and the road and begins pulling out.

The car ride there was extremely silent, only the hum of the car being heard. Despite living close to Courtney's it felt like the car ride lasted forever until she saw her apartment building come into view.

"Thanks for dropping me off, see you at work Monday!" She gets out of the car and waves bye to Spencer before she sets off to the entrance. 

As soon as her back was turned to his car he let out a long sigh. 

Maybe it was time for him to come to terms that he slightly liked this girl. I mean, why else was he visiting her office daily, inviting her to videos, and sometimes eating lunch with her. There was absolutely no denying that he found her attractive.

It wasn't like that was a new discovery because when she first started working at Smosh and everybody introduced he immediately picked up on it. So for years he knew of her existence in the same building as him but was too terrified to even attempt talking to her.

The only time he saw her was on the off chance they arrived to lunch at the same time. Other than that he lived through stories everybody else would tell. They were always talking about how great her work is and things along that line.

He believed what people were saying to an extent of course, how could someone be THAT good that they had everyone else sharing their happiness with her work. Well when Courtney suggested he ask her to write for him he found out. 

Ever since then it's been more difficult to stay away. Workplace romance was a tricky thing to navigate, especially when it's just getting started.

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