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🎬 Rolling 🎬

Charlotte Taylor has been working with Smosh since she was 24, now being 31, having applied to be an editor but ended up working as a writer, for sketches on the main channel or for "TNTL". She loved where she was working, and loved everyone she worked with.

She would be given a few notes leading her in a direction but other than that she had free reign to do whatever she wanted. This week she was supposed to write just two different scripts for Spencer. 

She was fairly acquainted with the man, as a writer she wasn't around many people besides those who came to her desk. He would typically stop by the writing department a few times a day because he had a friend here and said hello on his way past her.

One day he had stopped by her desk and started a conversation, new to Charlotte as not many people conversed with her.

He wanted to know if she could do a couple scripts for a video that was being filmed in a week. She gladly accepted the offer as nobody else had given her work to do. Spencer came back the next day with a few notes and told her he wanted something along those lines, letting her know that if she needed more assistance she could always talk to him

Writing came naturally to the girl, once her hands were on her keyboard there was no stopping her until she stopped herself. She adored writing, she was able to write about anything she wanted and it wasn't a long term commitment because she would only write 1-3 pages for each script.

While she was working on the first of Spencer's scripts she was intrigued at his idea. It wasn't like anything she's been asked to do. 

The notes he had given her instructed her to write about a young child running into the woods then being raised by a "furry incel". She laughed reading that note.

Charlotte had watched a few of the Try Not To Laugh videos but not too many as watching her writing being read was not something she enjoyed. One video she watched included Spencer and that helped her get a feel for his humor. Making sure her scripts fit with a person's personality was the hard part.

Half way through her writing she was interrupted by the man himself, asking how things were going. 

"Sooo, are things going well? Were my notes alright, like helpful?" He looks down at what she has written so far.

Moving her hands from the keys to her lap, Charlotte replies. "Oh um yeah! I have a decent amount finished already, everything seems so funny i'm glad I get to do this one instead of Zoey" She lets out a small chuckle.

"Well I was sent to you by Courtney, she said you were a phenomenal writer" He replies.

"Wow, that's nice of her! I haven't written her many things so it's cool she thinks that of me" She's getting antsy, she's never had a conversation go on this long.

"Okay well I think everybody's about to go eat lunch, so i'll see you later, yeah?" He asks.

"Mhm, see you then!" She quickly gets back to working as he walks off.


It was nearing the end of her work day and Spencer was once again at her desk. She had never had someone so interested in her work before, this was all a little weird to her.

"How much more have you done?" He asks, leaning against the door frame leading into her office space.

"I've gotten about a page finished, do you want to read it to see if it matches up with your expectations?" She says looking up at him.

"Nahh, don't wanna ruin the surprise of reading it for the first time on the day of filming! Anyways, I don't want you to think i'm rushing you or anything, i'm just curious to see how you work!"

"You're fine, it's just new having somebody linger around my space. Usually people drop their notes off say a few words then come back at the end of the week and pick up the finished product."

"Awh that's sad, i'm sorry about that."

"Once again, you're fine. I'm not the best talker so I do sort of prefer that!" She smiles.

"Oh, am I bothering you by coming here?" Spencer asks, genuinely wondering. He never wants to make somebody feel uncomfortable in a place they're supposed to be comfortable in.

"No, no no you're not!" She rushes out to say, not wanting him to feel bad.

"Okay then, talk to you tomorrow i guess, I have to get home!"

"Yep, same, see you tomorrow!" Charlotte agrees and Spencer quickly exits her office, not wanting to linger longer than he should.

Charlotte takes her time grabbing her belongings before leaving her place of work, making sure to take his notes with her in case she gets bored and wants to do a bit more writing on it.

🎬 Cut 🎬

Behind The Scenes, Spencer AgnewWhere stories live. Discover now