S 1, E 15

171 9 10

🎬 Rolling 🎬

During the short break Charlotte was taking she chose to spend it outside, sometimes she just needs to get out. She sat down leaning against the wall with her water bottle beside her and pulled out her phone. 

Scrolling through social media she gets a text from Spencer.


Spencer (Smosh)

Im thinking of things we can do tomorrow and im blanking other than possibly teaching you some of my favorite games.. what do you think about that?

What sorta games you thinking?

Well the main one being guitar hero, really into that recently,  or you could go through the games i have and just choose whatever, i dont mind 

I have always wanted to play guitar hero but it seems so difficult

I'm so down for that

What are you doing rn?

Hmm why?

Just wondering I went by your office and it was empty :(

aww sorry! im taking a little break outside 

My cat's been absolutely DYING to meet you he won't shutup, so I'm thankful for tomorrow even thought it hasn't happened yet

What if I kidnapped him

Unfortunately for you that'd be the last thing you do

Okay so if he goes missing just know it wasn't me, i want to get further in life...



On the way home that evening Charlotte started to worry about how things would go tomorrow, thinking somehow that if she said the wrong thing it'd automatically ruin their day.

Getting in her door she was immediately swarmed by Adrien meowing at her feet. 

"I know, I know, you're hungry." She says setting her stuff down on the counter before feeding the cat.

She takes a seat on the couch and turns on a show for background noise while she messes around on her phone. 

After a while of progressively getting more tired she decided to call it quits and head to bed, excited yet anxious about the day to come.


It was noon when she first heard from him and although it was such a short text something about it made her heart flutter. 

His text asked if she was ready to come over followed by his address and him telling her to let him know when she's outside.

Charlotte grabbed her bag and headed for the door but not before leaving Adrien some food in his bowl.

"Sorry little guy, your mom's hanging out with her friend today." She pets him before finally setting off.

The ride there was nerve wrecking, how is one supposed to act when they're going to someone's house for the first time? Especially when this person is significant in your life. 

Behind The Scenes, Spencer AgnewWhere stories live. Discover now