8: the thoughts and inner-workings of one

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Chapter 8: Thoughts and Inner-workings

Hanna's POV:

I run up to my room and call Julianna and Matty to vent to them while I do my homework.

"Hey Jules and Matty!" I say with all the enthusiasm I can scour up.

"Hey Han, what's wrong? You were fine in school, what happened? Was it coach Nelson? It was him wasn't it! He is an asshole!," she rambles on about how he is a jerk and what not, " Tell us what happened." She basically demands.

That's when I tell them everything, from dinner to flirting with him outside, to me teasing him in the driveway, and then to how he got me back then gave me detention, then how I blew up in his face in the car ride. Wow does that feel good to get off my chest. I still feel like punching something but not quite as bad.

"Omg! I knew something was up with you two!" Matty said while laughs.

"What's so funny, Matty?" I ask annoyed.

"Well," he says drawing it out, "he obviously is confused and you are not helping him by teasing him and sending mixed signals. Just give him some space he'll come around."

"Whatever, I don't want him to 'come around' I need him to stay away!," I huff out, "he is a egotistical, airhead of a man."

"Okay, Hanna, okay." Matty says calmly, " I gotta go, but I will talk to him tomorrow, Hanna. Bye guys." He says then hangs up.

"Jules, what do you think?" I ask hopingly.

" I think you should do what Matty said and wait it out. I'll talk to him tomorrow, too." she says in a rush.

"Okay thanks Jules." I say.

"Love you."

"Love you too, bye."


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Matty's POV:

When I woke up I got dressed quickly then went to school. Once I got to school I walked straight to the gym to wait for Coach Nelson so we could have a 'chat'.

Ten minutes pass, when coach Nelson walks in carrying a rutsack. He walks toward his office, I guess he doesn't see me.

"Hey Coach Nelson." I say and jog over.

"Oh hey Matthew, I didn't see you there. What brings you here to this s'morning?" He asks.

"I was wondering if we could talk privately."

"Uh... sure, sure. Come with me to my office." He says hesitantly.

We walk into his office and he closes the door behind me, then sits his stuff down and strides over to sit down in his comfy looking leather rolley chair. I plop down in a chair in front of his desk.

"So what did you need to talk to me about?"

"You see Coach Nelson, there is a girl who is very important to Mr that you see to be fucking with... We both know who that girl is. When you fuck with her, you fuck with me and Matty! You hurt her, you hurt me... When people hurt her I pick the pieced back up, you fucking prick that break her don't even take a second glance. So from what I was told, from a very reliable person, is that you were getting revenge and then decided to act like a teacher after it happened and give them detention for one fucking comment. You listen here and you listen closely, you will take back that fucking detention and you will get off your lazy ass and fix what you did. You need to fucking apologize! You need to make it up to her, you need to show her the man you really are. You understand me?" I hiss threatenly.

He nods.

"Good because if you hurt her I will cut your balls off and staple them to your chin, then cut your small shrimp dick off and feed it to you!! You got it?!"

"Y-y-yes I do." He stutters out, then continues, "I like her, I like her a lot even tho I don't know that much about her and I know she likes me too because you wouldn't be here if she didn't."

"Oh really Captain Obvious!" I retort sarcastically.

"So, uhm, will you help me plan something for her?" He says nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah I will." I grin smugly

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Juliana's POV:

I go into his office, after of course I fix my clothes and makeup. God I love him. I pull my shirt down some and pull my skirt up right before my butt is showing.

"Julianna, what can I do for you?" Coach Nelson asked.

"Um I was wondering if you could help me with something?" I say sweetly.

"Of course, what do you need help with?"

"My leg hurts, sir." I pull my skirt up slowly and place my foot on his knee so he can see between my legs, " Right here." I point to my inner thigh.

"What are you doing Juliana?" He pushes my leg off of him and stands.

I grab his hand and place it between my legs, directly on my private because I'm not wearing panties. "I need you," I whisper as sexily as I can muster, " you do this to me."

He jerks his hand away, "No! Stop! I don't want you. Get out! NOW!"

I leave, but I will be back and he will be mine.







This chapter is just a short filler chapter. I already started working on the next one so it should be up some time soon.

Thanks for reading.

Vote, comment, share... If you want. It would be greatly appreciated.

~sarahjaneharris :)

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