5: a big sack of balls

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Chapter 5: Big sack of balls

Its 5:45 am... 2 hours before I have to be at school. I lay there trying to sleep for about fifteen minutes and by now I know I'm not going to be able to sleep. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom and stop in front of the mirror and think, Wow do I honestly look this bad all the time?

My hair is sticking up in a million different ways and have raccoon eyes and my eyes are puffy. I decide to take a shower to wash away all the grime from yesterday.

Thirty minutes later I step out the shower and feel the cold hair hit me. I hurry and wrap the towel around me and wrap my hair up. When I get to my room I already know what I wanna wear so that doesn't take me long to get dressed. Once I'm dressed I got to the kitchen and its now 6:43 am. That gives me about 45 minutes till Juliana will be here. I make myself a bowl of cereal and take a seat at the counter and play games on my phone while I wait for the text from Juliana.


By the time it is 7:30 I get a text from Matt And Juliana. Matt asked me if we had any homework in math and Juliana's said she was here and to get my butt out side right now or she is leaving.

I walk outside texting Matt and when I look up I see couch Nelson walking to his car, I guess he sees me too because he looks over and smiles and says good morning. I smile and wave. I open the door and that is when Juliana starts asking me a billion different questions and 99% of them I don't have an answer to.

"So... How was last night?" She asks me repeatedly.

"It was fun. I didn't know if I should call him Johnathan or couch Nelson.. So I just called him couch Nelson."

"Did anything happen between you two?" She asks impatiently.

"No nothing happened.. He did catch me when I was about to fall on my face" I say recalling that memory.

"Oh really what happened after your fall?" She asks as me pull into the school parking lot.

"Nothing we just said good night and went our ways."

"Mhmmm, whatever you say... So you like like him right? Because it seems that way."

"Well you should because its the truth so... And no I don't." I state annoyed.

"Okay okay whatever gets you to sleep at night," she says smiling, " Oh wait I know what gets you to sleep at night Couch Nelson does!" She says during with laughter as we step out of the car.

By the time we get inside she still has finally stopped laughing. I honestly hate her right now, she keeps saying crap about me and couch Nelson. I bout to hit her when all of a sudden she stops and just stares ahead of us.

I can see the back part of couch Nelson leaning against my locker. As we make our way over to my locker he turns around and smiles.

When we finally get to my locker I ask, "Why are you standing here?"

"I came to tell you something." He says.

"Well, what is that something??"

"I was going to say I could give you a ride to school whenever you need one instead of having your friend drive all the way over to your house..."

"Oh okay" I say a bit confused and then look at Juliana who is nodding her head profusely, "so um I guess I can take you up on that offer." I say looking back at Juliana who is smiling like she's on drugs.

"Okay.. Great.. I guess I'll see you two later."



During class we are assigned a project that we can have partners for so of course Juliana and I are partners. When we pair up we decide to make a little booklet with all the important stuff from our history class, in terms a 5th grader would understand. When we start I know Juliana is staring at me so I look up.

"What, Juliana, what?" I say.

"Oh nothing."

"Well then I'm gonna need you to stop staring at me like that!" I whisper yell.

"Okay whatever... I was gonna say something but never mind."

"Alright then let's just finish this so we don't have to do it for homework."


About 25 minutes later the bell rings signaling the end of first block.


The rest of the day just moved really slowly. Till finally I'm in gym class.

We all head straight for the locker rooms and then come out and wait for couch to tell us what we are doing today.

When Juliana and I are dressed we walk out and go sit on the bleachers and wait for 5 boring minutes till the bell rings. Right once the bell rings In walks Couch Nelson and a big sack of balls.

Couch Nelson talks for forever and the finally says that we are playing dodge ball.

"Couch can I help pick teams?" Asks the slut bag Jackie.

"Sure Jackie." Couch Nelson says.

When they finish picking the teams me and Juliana luckily end up on the same team and Matthew was with us.

As the game goes on Juliana, Matthew and I were all talking when out of nowhere a ball comes flying and hits me right straight into my face and gives me a bloody nose.

Couch Nelson runs over and asks, "Are you alright?"

"Oh most definitely... Having a bloody nose is always the best." I say sarcastically.

He blows the whistle and says loudly, "You guys can keep playing and I'm gonna take Hanna to the nurse."

Everyone mumbles a yeah, okay, or whatever and the game starts again.

As we walk towards the nurse couch Nelson stops us by the teachers bathroom to get a few paper towels.

When he gets them he lives my hand and puts the paper towels and his hand in place of them. We stand there just staring at each other. Till he says, "Here hold this so we can walk to the nurse."

Before we walk into the nurses office he says that he can give me a ride home and I say okay.

Fifteen minutes later my nose is better and I am walking out the school waiting for couch Nelson.

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