10: Hidden Secret

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Chapter 10: Hidden Secret

Matty's POV:

I have to tell Hanna about my secret. I can't tell Juliana because she has been acting really strange lately and I don't feel comfortable with sharing this with her. I gotta call her. I have been trying to tell her since that new kid Sam showed up a week ago. It has been so hard not spilling the beans about myself to him and to Hanna because 1. He is super hot and 2. He is super duper sexy.

I'm calling her now.

"Hurry up! Pickup Hanna!"

"Hello?" Hanna asks.

"Hanna it's me Marty. I have to tell you something before I chicken out!" I rush.

" Alright what is it?" She questions.

"Imgayandilikesammyandthinkheissuperhot." I say quickly.

"Wait, what? Slow down."

"Okay. I said that I am gay and I like Sammy and think he's really hot." I say

Hanna starts screaming and squealing in my ear. I pull the phone away and wait till she is done.

"Oh my God! Matty, he's gay too." She squeals. " Oh my gosh this is perfect, they will be so cute. Yes they will." She continues rambling.

"He's gay?" I say incredulously.

"Yeah he told me when we first met."

"alright I have to go and don't tell anyone secret. Not even Sammy I'm gonna tell him. Bye." I hang up.

I'm gonna start putting the moves on him. This will be great, it's gonna be great.







Sorry this took so long I was busy with school and other things. I know this is really short, but I promise the next chapter will be here as soon as possible, my schedule is very tight right now. So I'm trying to get the next chapter finished. I hope you like this chapter. To show you like it vote or comment please... That would make my day! 


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