2: time to go

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Chapter 2: time to go

When he winked at me I blushed slightly and was embarrassed he probably winked at some one else. I had to look around to make sure the only people that he could have possibly winked at is Juliana or Matthew (Matthew and I have been my best friends since the 4th grade and Juliana and i have just recently become friends), I don't think he winked at Matt so that leaves me and Juliana. She seems totally unfazed by what happened so it couldn't have been her... so it was for me.

I have his class at the end of the day so I was waiting for school to end but we all know the last class of the day can feel like its a million years long. for some reason tho his class doesn't feel that way to me. In gym class I normally just talk to my friends and goof off but today I was actually interested in doing something! He told us the basic rules of gym and gave us a lock and a few papers and then we got dressed for gym.

When everyone was dressed and ready we sat in the bleachers and waited for him to tell us what to do.

Finally he says, " Take a lap and then wait on the field for me to split everyone up." he blew his whistle and every one started going.

As my friends and I jogged around the track we talked about Coach Nelson. It was hard to breathe from jogging now its harder from talking about him. We slow down and start walking and talking.

"So you think he's hot." says Juliana smirking.

"No!" I have to turn away or they will know I think he's hot. " He is anything but hot."

"Yeah uh huh, that's why you can't look me straight in the eyes and say it!"

"I can to!" I turn and say," Coach Nelson is not hot." but mid way threw I start smiling.

"See I told you!" she's starts laughing which was drawing  a lot of attention because she has a weird laugh so most times people stare when she laughs this much. I looked over at coach Nelson and he was staring and smiling, we made I contact and I blushed.

Then I said,"Stop laughing so hard people are staring." she just kept laughing because she was used to the stared because when she came out with her being a lesbian people stared and whispered so now she doesn't care. Her girlfriend Olivia only sometimes cares when people stare at her. Juliana could do anything and not give a fuck if people where staring at her.

I started jogging again and so did Juliana because she didn't want to be alone. Matt and Jason were already done and were waiting for us. As we got up to the on the field while we waited for people to finish their lap we stood and talked.

"Alright so I need two captains." yelled Coach Nelson.

No one easier their hand. We don't even know what we are doing and he wants us to throw ourselves out there and be a captain forget that.

"Hanna you are going to be red teams captain and John you are gonna be grey teams captain." he said smiling.

"I don't wanna be captain coach." I say in a annoyingly serious tone.

"Well to bad Hanna you now defiantly are." he said with a devilish smile on his face.

"Fine! Whatever." I say all the while smiling and trying to hide it.

" Alright Hanna you get first pick and you can pick me also to be on your team."

"I pick Juliana."

"Matt." John says

"Coach Nelson." this went on for another minute or two.

So we split up and Coach Nelson did the started the game by blowing a whistle I ran after the ball when the opposite team got it and I got it back. I was dribbling it down the field and I was running down the field and was crossing over the 50 yard line and saw Coach Nelson open and I punted it to him and he scored the goal. He ran up to me and we high fived.

"Hanna that was awesome."

"Thanks, you aren't bad yourself."

"Thanks." he said with a wide smile across his face.

"Your welcome." I said with a smile, an actual real smile.

"After class come to my office, okay?" he said.

"Okay I will."

The rest of the class went by in a blur of Coach Nelson and I making goals. Obviously my team one. We went back inside and changed. I went to Coach Nelson's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." he yelled.

I walked in and sat down in front of his desk and waited for him to say something.

when he did say something he said,"Can you hand me that blue shirt please."

"Yeah." I said with a confused look. when I turned around I saw him take off his shirt. Oh my God it was perfect! I just wanted to go over and just touch it it was tan and all fit and so yummy! Then he starts to walk over to get the shirt and i aaccidentaly touched his chest and i could feel him breathe and my heart started beating faster and then all i knew was his face was getting closer and he...

sorry it took so long to update i had writers block and i didnt have any wifi so i did all of this on my phone. What do you think is going to happen? are they going to kiss? i might do the next chapter in Coach Nelson's point of view. Im not sure yet tho.

dont for get to




~Sarah Jane

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