9: Let the Games Begin

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Chapter 9: Let the Games Begin

Hanna's POV:

I never had that detention that Coach Nelson gave me, he revoked it the following day. We hardly spoke since. It's now friday, so it has been a week and a half since we had a normal conversation. All we do now is say hi or goodbye, the car rides are always filled with awkward silences. I wanna talk to him, but I can't. He sometimes looks like he wants to say something but he never does, he ends up just shaking his head.

I tried talking to Juliana about it but she gets really jealous for some reason. I don't know why but I have a feeling that I am going to find out soon, very soon.

I hardly talk to anyone anymore. I keep quiet and usually in class I end up not paying attention and thinking about him. I miss seeing his smile and hearing his laugh. But I'm gonna have to wait until he comes around to me.

Juliana's POV:

I fûcking hate Hanna right now! She is being a total püssy about what coach Nelson did. I mean come on if you are going to fûcking start something then don't become a total bìtch when they fûcking end it. I mean seriously. I liked him before Hanna did and now with her whørish ways she has him falling at her feet when he should be falling at mine. I am going to fûck up this 'relationship' between them any way I can. I don't even care about her as a friend, she is always complaining and being annoying, so fûck her.

I'm gonna start with this date and then she's going to find us in a compromising position in his office.

Let the games begin

Hanna's POV:

I've been walking to and from school for the past week. I haven't really seen or heard from Johnathan personally, the only time I see him is in gym class.

When I got to my house I saw this man sitting on Johnathan's front porch. I walked over to see who it was and when I got there I was taken aback! The man sitting on the porch was one hell of a man and he is mighty fine. I was inwardly drooling.

By the way his plump pink lips curved into a sexy smirk, I would say he caught me checking him out.

"Hey there! The name's Sam." The hot front porch guy said and stuck his hand out.

I placed my hand in his large one and shook and said, " Hi names Hanna. I live next door. What are you doing sitting on Johnathan's porch." I release his hand.

"Well I am Johnathan's younger brother and I am coming to live with him till the end of the school year." Sam explains.

"Oh that's great. You aren't as much as an ass as him are you?" I question bluntly with a short laugh.

He laughs and shakes his head to say no.

"I'm glad. So what brings you here?" I question.

"Well I've been getting into fights and shít with people so I got expelled from my last school and my mom sent me to live with this asş hat. So here I am."

"That's cool." I say. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Can I trust you?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah you can, pinkie promise." I say seriously.

"You can't tell anyone especially my brother," he says. "I'm kinda sorta bat for the other team."

"Why are the hot ones always gay?!?" I say.

He blushes and we keep talking till Johnathan pulls in.

"Sammy! What are you doing here so soon? Mom said you wouldn't be here till tomorrow." Johnathan says while pulling his brother in to a tight hug.

"Yeah I know just wanted to surprise you old man." Sam says, pulling out of the hug.

"Well I guess you already meet, Hanna, our neighbor." Johnathan looks at Hanna.

She turns to Sam. "Here put your number in and if you wanna hang out or talk we can."

"Alright." Sam winks at her.

Johnathan gets angry or jealous or both and huffs into the house slamming the door, I wonder what his problem is?






Sorry this is just another filler chapter... The next chapter will have Matty's secret and a broken secret.


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