6: I'll always catch you when you fall

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Chapter 6: I'll always catch you when you fall

When I walk outside the sun is shining so bright its hard to see. I put my hand up to my for head to try and block my eyes from the sun when I see couch Nelson leaning on his car staring at me and smiling. I feel the blush crawling up my neck and landing across my cheeks. I look down and start down the stairs. I sway my hips some to try and look like a flirt but I end up tripping. All of the sudden I feel his warm hands holding my waist to keep me from hitting the ground.

He pulls me back up and smiles. Then leans forward some and whispers in my ear, " I'll always catch you when you fall, Hanna." He said this with the most sincerity that I had to pull away from him before I said something to let out my true feelings towards him.

I mumble a 'thanks' before opening the car door and sliding in the seat. He walks around the car and gets in. He starts the car almost immediately after he got in. I turn on the radio and find my favorite station 94.7 Fresh FM. One of my favorite songs is on its Blank Space by Taylor Swift. I hum along for the first few seconds till I hear him start to sing along, then I start to sing along and in a matter of seconds we both are singing so loudly I'm sure people outside of his car could hear us. We sang like crazy through that song. When it came to an end we were laughing like crazy, I was laughing so hard I almost cried. When we finally settled down we had a comfortable silence consume us. I was thinking about going to hang out with Juliana and Matty. I'm gonna text them and ask if they wanna go to the mall tomorrow.

We finally arrived at his house. As I opened the door I saw him look at me with some hidden emotion in his eyes. So I quickly got out of the car and put my back pack on. He kept staring at me and smiled and I blushed.

Then as we were crossing paths he said, "You look very beautiful today."

I blushed but wanted to act confident, "Don't I always." I say with a smirk.

"Oh yes you do." He said right back sarcastically with a wink.

I smiled and said," Thanks for the ride."


I just smiled and nodded my head and then walked to my front door and headed in. Once I was in I ran up to my room and flopped down on my bed. I just layed there staring at the ceiling thinking about him. I don't know why he I'd still in my head, I have never thought about a guy this much.

I put off my homework for another half hour. I finally got up and grabbed my backpack and pulled out my English homework we have to write a 3 page essay on why we should or shouldn't have school uniforms. I turned on my phone and started blaring my music then started my essay.

As I got to page two of my essay I went down stairs to get some food and the mail. I slowly made my way to the dorr and stepped out.

As I was walking down our walkway to our mailbox, I heard someone say," Hey there neighbor!"

I looked over and say couch Nelson, I smiled then said, "Hey there couch Nelson."

"Call me Johnathan." He said in his teacher voice and with a smile on his gorgeously tan face.

"Sorry, Johnathan." I say while laughing slightly.

"Its alright.," he says as he rubbs the back of his neck nervously, "So umm.. If you... Uhh... If you don't have a ride to... a school tomorrow I could give you one." He finally says while slightly blushing.

"Well since you asked so kindly I guess I will ride with you tomorrow morning."

"Alright I'll um see you in the morning at 7:00."


"Could I uh get your number so u can text you in the morning as a reminder?"

"Yeah sure. Let me see your phone." I say when he pulls out the iphone6.

He uses his finger print and then hands it over to me. I try my number in and then save it. I then text myself and say
Hey its Jonathan Nelson.

I hear my phone ring and pull it out.

"Alright well I gotta finish an essay so see you later."

"Yeah alright."

As I'm closing the door my phone rings again. I look to see who texted me and the screen reads:
Jonathan has sent you a message

I open it and it says:
Your smile is so beautiful, never let it fall


Sorry it took so long to update... I kept forgetting go write it. I hope you like this chapter! There are 124 reads!! That my not seen like a lot to y'all, but it is to me! So thank you guys for reading. Vote, comment, share if you want I hope you enjoyed!

I hope y'all had a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! ❄❄

~sarah jane x

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