Chapter 1: Selling 21

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A/n: These beginning chapters will sound familiar because they are the chapters about Maddie that we read in "Rich Scandals". They set the pace for the rest of the story and we get to find out what happened next. Happy reading!

Madeleine's POV
My curiosity has gotten the best of me. This is the last place I should be. If daddy finds out... I'm as good as dead. Curfew is at 9pm. It's strict and he enforces it like a prison guard. The consequences are harsh so that hard lessons are learned.

I'm my father's firstborn and I'm expected to set an example. This is not okay but at the same table me, I can't help smile at the experience.

It's better than what I thought it would be! This place feels electric, sparking life into me, a kind of life I didn't even think possible until now! I'm excited even with daddy's punishment trying to pull me back! It's pure euphoria!

I came here alone because the last thing I want is to have anyone serve as a witness to my sentence. I chose the upper east side and not the Hamptons just to put distance between me and daddy's consequences.

I need a drink.

There's only one problem, my fake ID won't cut it. The guy at the front is randomly asking for IDs before selling drinks. I want to believe I can sell 21. It's only four years away! Who will ever know? I have enough make-up to make myself look older.

I have to be confident.

I noticed a man seated alone at th bar. He looks  like he could use some company or maybe he doesn't want company. Who cares!

I straightened my short the dress; the kind that will make daddy's head spin. The good sequins are sparkling in the night light. I borrowed it from Kei's closet and I hope to put it back before she notices. I doubt she will notice but since this is something I want to do long term, I shouldn't get caught this early.

"Hey!" I smiled at him just as he turned to look at me.


He's gorgeous! Wait! Can I use the word gorgeous to describe a man? I controlled my jaw from dropping. He has the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen! His dark jacket doesn't betray much but I bet there's a beautiful body underneath.

"Hey." He smiled back.

Panty dropper! Yes, that smile. I'm taken. I am taken and I'm surrendering! This is so much better than the stupid boys in my class!

Resting my purse; Kei's purse which probably costs thousands, on the counter, I sat on a bar stool.

"At the risk of a bad first impression, I'll just ask. Buy me a drink?"

He chuckled. "How can you set a bad impression when you look so beautiful tonight? What's your poison?"

I have drank wine before, taken a few sips of whiskey at uncle Tony's. "Surprise me!"

"Hmmm... How about something gentle to start?" He signalled the bartender over. "A glass of rosé for the lady."


Ask anyone who knows me, I'm not a lady!

The bartender didn't ask questions. He got to it. I don't know what rosé is. I guess I'll know tonight.

"I'm Ares." He offered his hand to me. "Or Naftali, whatever floats your boat."

"Maddie." We shook. "Nice to meet you." No second names is best. Bale isn't a name I use unless I need to throw it around to get shit done. "I think I'll call you Naftali. What are you drinking?"


"Can I taste?" I asked and without his permission, took the glass. He didn't mind when I took a sip. I cringed as usual and it made him laugh.

Balotelli Bale Series Book #7: My Father's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now