Chapter 15: Disappointment

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Naftali's POV
"Your father is intimidated by you."

"Why would you say that?" I asked her.

The blue in her eyes look paler than usual. The constant reminder that she's fading away eats me up from the inside. I can't imagine the day she won't be here anymore. It breaks my heart.

"Because unlike Dimitrius, you are not quick to follow his orders. You challenge him by standing up for what you want. He can't stand it. It drives him crazy."

"And out of his life it seems." I sighed.

"Ares, my sweet boy, money is just paper. You are not at a loss because he cut you off. You are more than capable of being greater than he is. Focus on your future, what you stand to gain and not what youve lost."

"It's not easy to get by. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel mom. My girlfriend paid for my bail. She's paying for this hotel room. It's embarrassing."

I felt the warmth of her hand on mine. "I understand you have grown up with a silver spoon in your mouth. You don't know what it means to have empty pockets. But money isn't everything Ares. Look at it this way. In a relationship, both parties are never at 100%. Right now, Maddie is picking up the slack. And that's okay. Someday the tables will turn and you can take care of her. What matters is that you two are in love, right?"

"Uh... I love her. She hasn't said it back to me."

"All in due time Ares. We don't fall in love at the same time. I would like to meet her. Is it possible?"

When I told Maddie my mom was coming over,  she split. She made up some excuse about her hair being frizzy and needing a salon appointment. Before I could say anything, she fled.

"She had a hair appointment. She will be back later. Maybe you two will run into each other."

"Ares, I want you to know I love you very much. I wish I had a longer time-"

I came to my knees, taking her hands. "Don't talk like that."

"I'm very ill. I don't have long. Because I don't get to see you everyday, I want you to know how much I love you and that above everything, even wealth, I want you to be happy. Promise me you will find a way to be happy."

"I can't be with Maddie. At least not in the open . You already know that is why I had a falling out with dad. Mr Bale doesn't approve."

"Hmmm... aren't secret things the sweetest?" She laughed. "You remind me of your father."


"My father never approved of him."

"Why would he not approve of a billionaire?"

"Because he wasn't one. Your father was the son of a small scale baker." She raised her eyebrows.

"I don't understand. His name is Pallis-"

"Because he changed his name to Pallis. My father wasn't going to allow me to take the name of a poor man."

"Stavros?" I asked.

"Aha. But of course there's an assumption that a rich man marries a poor girl and not the other way around. You and Maddie could work. It's not strange at all. Forget about the nonsense about changing your name. Your name is Ares Naftali Pallis. No one can take that away from you."

I kissed her open palm. "I love you mom."

"I love you Ares. Now, what is going on with the charges your father pressed against you? When is your court date?"

It's not a strange sight to see Maddie returning with shopping bags. She can't help herself. She loves nice things.

"Hey Naft!" She beamed at me. Her hair looks great! She really did have an appointment.

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