Chapter 14: Daddy's Help

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Madeline's POV
I have never shared a bed with Naft and nothing happened. This thing with his dad has really torn him apart. My father and I have our issues but he has never outrightly tried to destroy me. In a way, I'm lucky to have him as my father. I actually have great parents!

I snuck out of bed early in the morning to go to a private airfield. Last night I called my father and I asked him if he could come to Greece. He surprisingly agreed. He doesn't know what I want from him. I hope he agrees to help. Kei was an option but she already helped with the gallery. I can't ask anything more from her.

Daddy always flies private. He says he can fly in his pajamas and no one will say anything to him. But most of all, he is a very cautious man. He doesn't like being around strangers. As I approached the private jet, Julio met me with a smile.

"Ciao Maddie."

"Hey." I gave him a fist bump and boarded the plane. Daddy is having breakfast. As usual he has a big appetite. When he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Maddie! Join me!" He gestured to the empty seat facing him. There is already a plate for me. "Eat up!"

I picked a fork and tasted the scrambled eggs. He always flies with a Michelin star chef. He loves his food and he likes it when it's done right. I honestly don't know how Kei has been putting together hotel worthy meals all these years. He refuses to have anyone else cook his food at home. I cannot see myself slaving in front of a stove. That's what chefs are for.

"It's great, as usual." I chuckled. "Good morning daddy."

"That tone right there is the "I want something" tone. Out with it."

I chewed on my lip for a moment. "I know I have been a total pain-"

"Absolutely true." He interrupted.

"...and I should not even ask you anything-"

"You shouldn't."

"...but I want you to help Naft."

He stopped eating and raised his eyebrow at me. "What's wrong with your friend?"

"Boyfriend daddy."

"Do you seriously want to start with me?" He dared me.

"No. He needs help. He... he has a court hearing."

"What did he do?" He's not at all surprised.

Daddy was a bad boy. Nonna swears he is the reason she got white hair in her thirties. No matter what his children pull, he is never that surprised.

"He got arrested for assault as well as breaking and entering."

"Oof! Quite a rep!"

"Nothing like yours daddy. He's a saint next to you." I almost slapped myself for that one. I should really tone it down.

"You're right. But the kid has to start somewhere, right? Today it's breaking and entering. Tomorrow?" He paused to stare at me. "He needs a lawyer. Can't he afford one?"

"Daddy he got disinherited. He has nothing. Not even a job because his father keeps ruining it for him! How can he possibly afford a lawyer?"

He shrugged. "Can't you? You did not need my money when you rudely left home and flaunted Kei's trustfund."

I suffered a ride awakening when I realized Kei's trustfund comes with terms. She limits how much I can spend in a week. I can't exceed the amount. She's quite clever and her accountant doesn't joke around.

"Daddy, I don't want to argue. Will you help me or not?"

"What kind of help do you need? The fix it kind or by the book kind."

Balotelli Bale Series Book #7: My Father's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now