Chapter 5: The Boyfriend

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Naftali's POV
Christmas break has come around. I'm flying back to Greece to be with my family. Usually, I stay with Vince but I have to head back. My mother has taken ill. Everyone in the family is panicking.

I want to pack a few things and leave. The family jet is picking me up in an hour. As I got closer to the door, I noticed two men standing outside. I slowed down, making sure I'm on the right floor.

I then proceeded to the door that they happily opened for me. Still holding my key in my hand, I felt a measure of confusion grip me.

"Who are you? How did you open my door?"

They looked at each other, no response. The door is open, that is there response. I'm not about to walk into something I don't understand. I'm scared. That is the honest truth.

When a man came to the entrance, I paid attention to him. "Naftali. Welcome home. Please come in."

"Who are you?"

"That's not relevant. Will you walk in by yourself, or do you need help?"

I gripped the sling bag on my shoulder firmly. I walked into my apartment, fear closely serving as a companion. Straight ahead, I can see Madeline standing beside a man seated in an armchair.

Her father.

Nickolas Bale.


She got caught!

The sound of the door closing startled me.

We remained in absolute pin drop silence for a while. His blue eyes are fixed on me. I should say something.

"Mr Bale." I addressed him with all the confidence I can summon. "G-giod evening sir."

"What is good about it?" He frowned at me.

How is someone supposed to respond to that?

"I... My name is Ares."

"I know that already, no thanks to you or her. You two didn't have the decency to loop me into your scandalous relationship."

"I'm sorry about that. I assure you, my intention was to meet you."

"After having sex with my daughter. You first sample the dessert and then you thank the chef, right?"

He sounds hostile. Maddie's eyes are cast down. I haven't seen her so still or even so quiet.

"No sir. That is not how things are done. I apologize for all this."

He broke into an applause. "At least one of you has the decency to acknowledge they were wrong. Do you hear that Madeline, he's exhibiting better character than you! Maybe I won't break all his teeth!"

He stood up suddenly and I moved back.

"Sir, let's talk about this."

"Talk?" He got closer in slow stalking steps like a predator preparing to pounce. "Jow you want to talk. If your father didn't teach you, I will. When you like a man's daughter, it's decency to introduce yourself to the father! You state your intentions and you wait for his approval before you make any further moves! Did you do any of these?"

"No sir." I stopped moving, trying to hold my ground as much as I'm scared shitless. I think I'll pee on myself of he gets any closer.

He came to a stop right in front of me, folding his arms in front of him. His jaw is clenched tight. "I'm going to give you an two opportunities. One is to run really fast and if Julio can't catch you, you get away with this. I'll never see you in New York ever again for as long as I live. The other opportunity is for redemption. You choose your punishment and you face it. Let me make it clear that you will not be allowed to see my daughter again in either choice."

Balotelli Bale Series Book #7: My Father's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now