Chapter 2: Caught In A Lie

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Madeleine's POV
I got away with it!

Call it a stroke of luck!

It turns out that daddy had business that night and he also didn't come back. Only Kei saw me sneaking in. She asked me later where I was coming from. With Kei, I don't need to lie. She is an interesting parent. I told her I was out with a guy and we passed out drunk. I had to say it was a guy because I was wearing Naftali's sweatpants and his t-shirt. Long story short, she told me that if she catches me next time, she will tell daddy. I believe she will and that is why I will not be caught.

I came up with a full proof plan.

Daddy is travelling to Italy for the weekend. I'm going to ask Kei for permission to visit some friends in Manhattan for the weekend. It's the perfect excuse to be around Naftali. Kei isn't strict. As long as she knows where I'm going, what I'm doing and I promise to check in, she will let me go.

"Hey mom!"

She raised her eyes from the rolled dough. She loves to cook, especially on weekends.

"Hey daughter."

"So, I wanted to tell you that I'm hanging out with some friends for the weekend."

"Are you telling me or asking me?" She started kneading with her eyes on a cookbook.

"Asking. Can I go?"

"Who are they?"

I places the phone numbers on the counter. I already spoke to these girls and they agreed to help me out. "Amanda and Kathy from my class. They live in Manhattan, this is the address."

"You have all your bases covered. Will there be this boy from last time?" She gave me her full attention.

"No. Maybe. Yes."

"The progression of your response is alarming. I'm inclined to say no."

"But Kei-"

"Hold on. If I say no, true or false, you will find a way to see this boy."


"Just between us two, the way your father parents and the way I parent is very different. My father gave me freedom to make my own decisions after explaining consequences to me. You are seventeen-"

"Only for four more months!"

"Still, a child. You may think you are grown up but you're not. But parents don't get to say when their children are adults, the law does. You need to start making these decisions. The consequences of reckless sex are STIs and pregnancy. Emotionally, it damages you on the inside, you lose self worth. There's heartbreak when you are emotionally involved with a man. Madeline, I don't want you to face these consequences. So I need more from you. Are you having sex?"

"No. I haven't... yet."

"You intend to."

I shrugged. "If opportunity presents itself..."

"Who is this boy? I want to meet him."

"No." I declined.

She will know he's older. She will dissuade him or me.

"Then no Manhattan. Make yourself useful and start peeling carrots."

"You do know I can leave if I want to."

"You do know that I will happily throw you under the bus when Nick comes back."

We had a prolonged stare of.

"His name is Naftali. That is all I'm saying. I expect you to afford me some trust. If I mess up, throw me under the bus with daddy. Deal?"

She took a moment to think. "No sex."

Balotelli Bale Series Book #7: My Father's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now