Prologue: Astraea

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i sat still as my mother brushed out my long yellow-blonde hair. a true sign of a Darken, she would always tell me. 

"are you ready for next week dear?" she asked as she worked. "its a big day ahead of you."

"cant we do Alex's coronation first?" i asked her as i looked in the mirror. 

"we can not." she smiled at me. "you know uncle Thorne has a few more matters to wrap up before he is ready to hand his throne down."

"im not ready to leave Luna island mom." i stood and turned to face her. "to have to go and become queen of Drakaria, how will i ever measure up to Uncle Alexander or to you, the Great Dragon?"

mother stood from her seat. "you do not have to measure up to anyone dear. you will be a wonderful queen in  your own right."

"why do i have to take it now?" i walked to the balcony of mother room, looking out at the city across the grand bridge to the island palace. "why cant i wait till he passes like every other kingdom out there? why does the kingdoms under your rule have such strange rules?"

she leaned against the railing, taking a deep breath. "because, all of those lands are mine by birthright." she smiled at me. "but as the Great Dragon, i can never take them, so it was decided that until the time was right, those i placed on their thrones would step back and allow my children to take their rightful place."

"how do you know that the time is right for me?" i looked into her violet eyes. 

"because, i know you." she brushed a strand of my hair from my face. "you are the brightest, most intelligent girl i know. you have always been ahead in all your studies and you have even helped me with some of my own paperwork. i know you can do this. and remember, you wont be in this alone, i will always be here to guild you when you need help."

"promise?" i asked.

"i swear on the Great Dragon, that i will always be here to look over you." she kissed my forehead. "remember dear, i can see the future after all."

"will father be back in time?" i asked as i sat on mothers bed. 

"oh course he will." she smiled at me. "he wouldn't miss your coronation for the world, and neither would i."

looking back at that moment, i realized just how wrong she was. the Great Dragon of our united kingdoms was not as invincible as i had once thought.

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