12: A little mishap

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i turned to see Oberon standing there, just staring, holding a bundle of what looked like clothing in his hands.

"did you paint all of these?" i asked as i looked around once more.

"i...i did." he blushed a bit, looking at me.

i looked down and could feel my whole body go red. i was still just in a towel. "i am so sorry. they were just so beautiful, i must have been in a trace." i ran back into the bathroom, peeking out from around the wall separating us.

"i brought these for you." he placed the pile of clothes on the bed and turned away. "i was going to tell you that you should get cleaned up, im glad to see you already did."

"thank you." i slowly walked over to the bed while he remained turned away. "i did have a dress packs, but ill wear these instead. thank you." i rushed back to the bathroom. 

"get dressed," he spoke softly. "i will remain out here."

"okay." i slipped on the silk dress, it shimmered in almost every color of blue imaginable. it hugged my body at the top and the bottom flowed out like a waterfall. it was beautiful. i looked in my bag for a brush, i would have to remember to thank Carlisle if i ever saw him again as i found it easily. 

i brush out my long hair and tied it back loosely. 

i walked out of the bathroom. "it is really beautiful." i said as i sat on the sofa. "thank you."

"you are.... i mean it is." he said as he looked at me, his ears going as red as the rest of him.

i could feel myself blushing again. "so, um, you like to paint?" 

"i do." he sat across from me. "it helps me clear my head."

"i see." i smiled, remember what my room looked like back home, covered in canvas's and paints. "i like to paint as well."

"you do?" he seemed to perk up a bit at that. "what do you paint?"

"mostly those i love." i said, smiling a bit sadly. i motioned to the paints. "may i?"

"i dont have any canvases." he said. 

"thats okay." i smiled. "paper works too."

he stood, leading me to an empty wall. "you can use this wall while you are here, use the paints as much as you want. i do not want you to get bored while here."

"thank you." i smiled at him. 

he looked away from my face. "i will stay in another room while you are here."

"please dont." i grabbed his arm. "please dont leave me alone."

he looked back it me. "you make this really hard you know? how am i supposed to kill you when you look and act like this?" 

"then dont." i said plainly. "you dont have to do this."

he cupped his hand around the side of my face. "you know i have to."

"will you be able to live with yourself?" i asked. "will you be able to handle what it means to kill me?"

"i... then i wont." he pulled away from me. "i will take one of your siblings, i cant kill you."

"but doing that will kill me." i grabbed his arm.

"how?" he raised his eyebrow.

"because if you do that, the promise we made about us always being friends will be broken." i crossed my arms. "if you kill anyone i care about, our friendship ends and fairy law says, i die."

"you can break that law if you chose." he gabbed my neck gently. "break it."

"i will not." i answered. "i will not break that law, you will have to live with knowing that you killed me either way, its just your choice on how. or you could drop this and we can live together, happily."

"why must you make his so difficult?" he squeezed my neck, but not enough to hurt. "why are you not scared of me?"

"am i supposed to be?" i kept a calm face.

"you saw how those villagers reacted to me." he answered. "even your own mother is scared of me."

"but i did not know who you were when we met." i  stepped closer to him, his hand still wrapped around me. "just as you did not know who i was. i know that i have no reason to fear you, even my sword knows that you are not truly a dark fairy."

"but i make dark fairies." he said. "i dont have to be one to be their king."

"you have a kind soul." i placed my hand on his face. "you dont want to kill anyone, do you?"

"your father is to die." he pulled away. "in three days time, we will be going to the fairy realm and i will be killing you in front of him."

"please." i pleaded as he walked to the door. "think about this, really think. you could choose to be happy. you could choose me, please."

"and would choosing you keep you by my side?" he paused, still facing away from me. "or would you return to your own kingdom and rule as their queen?"

"i... why cant i do both?" i could feel tears going down my face. "Oberon, i love you."

he looked like he was going to turn back around, but he didnt, he stormed from the room, leaving me alone once again.

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