I thought I had moved on until I saw you moved on with someone else.
Yes, I put an end to it.
I never gave us our beginning;
I was at fault—
I had always been.
A single tear from my eye hadn't slipped.
I had been selfish like no other,
but I think,
a little mistaken I had been.
What I had thought was special
was that golden with everyone?
What I had thought only we shared,
had that spot not been for me?
Had it been for someone else already?
Or just that I had not cherished it enough for it to be?
Perhaps it was allotted to someone else once again,
who is most probably more worthy of it.
Or was our gem just a bling?
A bling you shared with everybody.
We were rare,
or I had thought so.
I stood behind and watched,
and I realized
that spot was for all to be shared.
And there I was,
striving to claim my right to it.
Was it a diamond
or just a stone that shone?
I was blinded by the gleam to tell the difference.