Chapter 24

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After being discovered by the servant,it wasn't long before Ice is taken to the hospital by the ambulance. Which at the same time the housekeeper called the butler at Khun Benjamin's house.

At the hospital

Benjamin "Doctor how is she?"
Doctor "I have treated her wound on the wrist.It should be fine in a few days"
Doctor "You're welcome" "Her vitals are now stable but I have placed her in the ICU for the next 24 hours, just to be safe" "You can visit her now. Just keep it brief as it is pretty full and all the patients need their rest."
Benjamin "Thank you so much"
Benjamin went to the ICU to see his daughter.
Benjamin "Sweetheart, how could this happen?" "What made you think you have to end it?" "Please come back!"
In the hallway of the hospital, Benjamin remembered a familiar memory. Of the time when he was a young man in the hospital with his wife as she became very weak since giving birth to Ice. On one of the many visits to the hospital, a complication to her health came out. It wasn't long before it took a turn for the worse and she was on the verge of dying.
Lena "Benjamin,this time I'm not going make it"
Benjamin "Yes you will, you always do"
Lena "Please promise me that you will love our daughter Ice,no matter what"
Benjamin "I will" "I promise"
Not too long later a widowed Benjamin holds a 3 month old Ice as they attended the funeral of his wife, the mother of his child.
Some years later...
A child Ice has transformed the house living room into a spaceship welcoming her dad home.
Ice "Daddy how does my spaceship look?"
Benjamin "It looks amazing!"
Ice "Can I be a space girl when I grow up?"
Benjamin "Sweetie you can be anything you want"
Benjamin takes out a color faded picture from his wallet of his deceased wife and daughter Ice in a family picture.
A tear fell out of the old man's eyes.
Benjamin "Oh Lena,don't look at me like that" "Sorry to let you down, I have forsaken my promise" "I will do better, you'll see""I don't want to get scolded in the afterlife when we meet again"
Some days later, a still unconscious Ice is moved to a solo hospital room
Benjamin "Doctor how long do you think she'll wake up?"
Doctor "It could be any day now. It depends on the will of the patient" "Talk to her,remind her the positive things in her life" "I can only heal the wounds on her body. But the wound is in her heart.I can't do anything about that." "I can refer you to one of our specialists in the hospital,if you like"
Benjamin "Thank you doctor, I will consider that."
Ice awakes from her sleep of many days
Benjamin "Baby girl you're awake" "How are you feeling?"
Ice "Why? Why did you let me live when there's nothing left for me anymore" "Please just let me die!" "JUST LET ME DIE!"

Benjamin "There's only one thing to do..."

During the past few days the days has become pretty plain for Faye, not that she is complaining because it lets her heart rest and recover from the headache from the failed love affair with Yoko.   Faye's days are split between the studio where she is about to finish the songs for the TV program. And in No Limits,where she immersed herself fully into the running of a restaurant.  Today is no different,as Faye is at her office as afternoon snacks and early dinner is underway. But with a little addition as Hannah joins Faye for dinner at the office as they don't want to be visible today.
Hannah "Finally! Just one more day of final touch up and everything will be ready to go"
Faye "I know right. I thought I will never finish this but I did." "Later you can release a 10 seconds snippet to the official social media accounts and the official fan club" "Then let social media take care of the rest"
Hannah "Like we always do" "And the concert tour?"
Faye "Announce during the airing of the TV show" "Talk to our sponsors about treating our top spenders to attend my upcoming concert for free." "That has worked before."
Faye took a bite of her food, then continued
Faye "After the concert tour I plan to take a rest from music for 6 months." "I plan to do some traveling" "Make Sunny Studios available for rent but leave the master recording room for me" "Use side rooms for rent" "I m sure you'll manage"

A chauffeured vehicle pulled in to the parking lot of No Limits
Khun Benjamin stepped out
Benjamin to valet "I am looking for Faye Peraya,please take me to her"
The valet took Benjamin to the office
Valet "Boss there's a man looking for you"
Faye "Who is it?"
Benjamin "I finally found you"
Benjamin does a deep bow.
Benjamin's action has everyone shocked
One of Thailand's most powerful men with a business empire all over the world bowing to Faye.
Faye "This is a surprise, I never expected you to be here" "What are you doing Khun Benjamin?"

Benjamin "Please save my daughter, you are the only one who can"

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