Faye reached out to stop Khun Benjamin to stop from bowing to her.
Faye"Khun Benjamin, what happened to Ice?" "Though it's not my business anymore"
Benjamin "During the past few days something serious happened to her.She is now on suicide watch"
Faye "Suicide watch?" "How did it happen?"
Benjamin "A few days ago she came to my house... She found out..." "Now the sins of the father, the daughter pays"
Faye understood what Benjamin means.
Faye's mind "Ice must have found out,that's why"
Faye "What do you want me to do?"
Benjamin "Please come to talk to her.Help her heal"
Faye "What makes you think that I will help you?" "You had me beaten up,left for dead "
Benjamin "Please help Ice ,she needs your help."
Faye "Then how about me when I was on crutches for 6 months, re-learn how to walk,and be on painkillers for 2 years?"
Benjamin finally grasp the seriousness of what he did
Benjamin "I'm sorry, I didn't know"
Faye "All because I am a woman, who loved another woman and that woman happened to be your daughter" "We would have been happy together if it wasn't for you!" "Now I can't even look at her without remembering what you did" "Instead,you put Ice and me in 10 long years of pain" "All because of your homophobic views" "You just can't accept that there could be love in the same gender. That I deserve love just as much as you."
Getting up from her chair behind the desk, Faye went to open the door.
Faye "I have nothing left to say to you" "Please leave"
For the next 3 days Khun Benjamin kept on with his pleas to Faye to help, whether it be at Faye's home, at the Sunny Studios or at No Limits. All at the same time Ice is refusing food and water and looking thin and frail as she continues with her active attempts at committing suicide.
At the third day...
Khun Benjamin came to No Limits again
Benjamin "Please Faye, come to help my daughter"
Faye "That's your problem, not mine"
Benjamin "Ok. Name your price. Anything. You can have up to half of what I own. It's yours." "Please help her. Help Ice"
Faye "It's not about money. I don't want that." "Now you got what you wish for. I'm out of your family's and your daughter's life." "Please leave, I got a business to run."
In desperation, the elder Khun Benjamin drop to his knees in front of Faye, Hannah and everyone at the lobby of the restaurant.
Sensing the seriousness of the situation Faye...
Faye "Khun Benjamin...Please you are making a scene here"
Benjamin "Please I beg of you. You are the only person who can save my daughter" "In my life I have never begged for anything, but I do now" "For my baby girl,my only child I will do anything!"
Faye "It's near dinner time, my restaurant needs me." ""I will drop by the hospital after"
This time Faye successfully sent Khun Benjamin away.
As the old tycoon leaves Faye's restaurant, Hannah took Faye aside
Hannah "Are you sure you know what you are going into?" "Going to visit Ice and all"
Faye "Yes,I'm aware of that"
Hannah "How about Yoko?"
Faye "What about her?"
Hannah "Your feelings for her?"
Faye "Yes I still have feelings for Yoko, I still love her,always will. But she's gone back to marry someone else." "So I have to move on" "Now excuse me, I got a restaurant to run"
Faye went back to business with her restaurant.Some hours later
Benjamin is trying so hard but is failing to get his daughter Ice to take in any food.
Benjamin "Sweetheart please try to eat something!" "Anything at all I will get it for you."
Ice "What is the point of eating when I want to die already"
Benjamin "Please don't say that. You are my only child,how am I going to live on when you are gone?"A voice from afar came in to the hospital room
"He's right you know. How are we going to live without you?"

An Unfinished Picture
FanfictionFamous singer Faye has a"monthly lover"policy in which she change every mo. Her past include heiress Ice and supermodel Marissa. Her life changes when she meets Yoko as F's dog runs over Y during a dog walk. What will happen next?