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3 Days later

Yoko decided to come out to talk to Faye
Along with Yoko a team of security stands behind her.

Yoko "Why do you do this Faye?" "You could have the easy way and yet you do this"
Every time Yoko steps forward her security follows her so she signals her team to stop at a distance.
Yoko "If you and I are to be together, there's something about me that you should know" "Something that I haven't told you before"
Faye "For you to finally come out to talk to me. This is making me so happyyy ~~~"

Faye faints.

Yoko "FAYE!"
Yoko catches Faye as she falls.
Yoko "Someone call the ambulance!"

Shortly after

While on the ambulance...

Yoko, while holding Faye's hand
Yoko"Don't die on me Faye" "The things I said,the things I did, I am so sorry.I didn't mean to" "I have fallen in love with you" "You hear me I LOVE YOU!" "Please come back to me!" "You can't leave me like this, you got to come back!" "You are strong, you even carried me before.Please fight it.Don't let them take you away." "You can do this.You got this" "Come back to me. I'll make it up to you" "FAYE COME BACK TO ME!"
Tears flow down Yoko's face as she kissed Faye on her forehead.

At the hospital...

Yoko "Doctor how is she?"
Doctor "She is suffering from exhaustion , dehydration and heat stroke.We have given her fluid via IV to stabilize her"
Yoko "Is it life threatening?"
Doctor "Not yet" "Any longer it will definitely be"
Yoko "How long will she wake up?"
Doctor "She's been overly exhausted so I would give her a day or two" "Give her time.Let her rest"
Yoko"Thank you"
Doctor "Now excuse me" "I'll be back to check up on her later"
Yoko "Thank you doctor"

In Ice's house...

She is watching TV
Dispatch Bangkok is on.
Announcer 1 "Thailand's most popular singer Faye Peraya is seen fainting in front of the hotel.She is seen taken on to the ambulance with an unnamed woman"
The image is Faye fainting and taken on to the ambulance with Yoko
Announcer 2 "It is rumored that this young lady is Faye's latest girl who is a Japanese national" "But we haven't any confirmation from Faye yet"
Ice hold her face in disbelief
Ice "Oh my love, how could this happen?" "I blame myself. If only I am freed from the divorce ordeal then we could be together forever" "With me I would never put you in such pain" "I am so sorry Faye for putting you thru all this" "Please wait for me, it won't be long now. " "But first, there's something I got to do..."

Back at the hospital...

Yoko, seeing Faye is still unconscious, went back to the hotel suite to collect some supplies.  As she stepped away from the hospital a mysterious woman in light blue attire with a big sun cap,a big sunglass and a face mask step into the solo hospital room. She places a fruit basket,a bouquet of roses, the same type as the single dried preserved rose in Faye's locked cupboard,along with a card with the inscription "GET WELL SOON MISS FAYE PERAYA" with a small icon of a few ice cubes and a red heart and golden retriever on the bottom of the card. She caressed Faye's cheek with the back of her hands and kissed Faye on the forehead to move to a light kiss on Faye's lips.
As the mysterious woman exits the hospital, a large group of fans gather outside of the hospital with hand made signs OF GET WELL SOON FAYE.
Yoko "Faye my love I'm back and I'm not leaving your side until you wake up" "Please wake up soon!" "Now what is this?"
Yoko discover the mysterious present.
Soon after Yoko came back,she is baffled by the get well gift left by the mysterious person.
Yoko "Who could it be?" "Who left all this for Faye?"
Yoko then looks at the card, focusing on the bottom of the card.
Yoko "An ice cube, a heart, and a golden retriever" "What does it all mean?"

Back at Ice's mansion

Ice just returned home from her secret trip to the hospital.
Upon stepping into the house she receives a phone call.
Ice "Ice here.what is it?"
Lawyer "Miss Ice,we got good news" "He's willing to sign the  divorce papers provided you agree to up another 10 million USD,in 3 days"
Ice frowns at first but later shifts to very excited to hear the news.
Ice"Though I don't like the idea of giving him more money but this will do""But wonderful news still." "I will see you soon.Bye bye"
Ice thought to herself"It won't be long now Faye.Soon we will be together"

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