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Bright stars and vivid blues nourish the velvet night,
Not even a cat dances in the street, searching for warmth.
Under the covers, we whisper stories only imagination could create,
Nothing to worry about but who will win.
Jumping and dancing while the song plays,
Innocent and free, it was all we wanted.

Whispers fill the room, everyone hides behind their fans,
Tucked under the bed so no one could find us, except for our laughter,
A quiet betrayal. Breathless, yet nothing surrendered.
Lying and crying as time slips by,
Shattered and imprisoned, chained to the garden.

Dark sky and bland night fade into the endless unknown,
Not even a memory to keep, just our little stories dancing in the flames.
You followed the ship to the moon, a tinkling bell whispered in your ear,
"Here comes the end, you have to leave."
Never quite ready, he flew past the windows.
Never quite ready, I watched as it all ended.

Lilly, august 29th 2024

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