Chapter 8

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"Well, that's one hell of a way to ask a girl out." I said once we made it upstairs to where I was guessing was his room.

"You're going to be so mad at me for what I'm going to say next." He said looking at me all nervous like.

"Try me." I said a bit curious.

"I may have told my family we were dating."

"I already know that. What I want to know is why."

I walked over to where his bed was neatly made and picked up a small teddy bear that was leaning against the pillow. I looked around at his room before taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

"I lied because my mom's boyfriend was coming over tonight and I knew she was going to try to get us all to bond together, so to avoid that I told them there was someone I wanted to invite. My mom said that it was a family dinner and only family was allowed, so I told her I wanted to invite someone who I was considering marrying and mom got curious so she let me have this mysterious girl over."

"So I'm just some pawn in your game?"

"I didn't have anyone to actually bring to this dinner. I've been buying time these past couple of days until I could found someone. When I saw Josephine at the baseball fields yesterday I thought I'd ask her but my mom would never fall for that. She knows I only see Josephine as a sister. I thought you and I clicked at the park so I just thought why not invite you."

"Why didn't you just tell me that you wanted me to meet your family?"

"Because no one in their right mind would agree to just go to a strangers house and meet their family."

"What kind of couple are we Mr. Bear. We didn't even start dating for a day and our relationship is already built on lies." I said talking to the stuffed bear.

"Her name is Jennifer. And our relationship? Does that me you'll go along with it and pretend to be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah," I said.

"You know what fuck it. Let's do this shit for real. Melody will you be my girlfriend?"

My hands started to get sweaty. "You don't know me."

"Isn't that the whole point of dating so you get to know people more and be intimate with them?"

I guess he had a point. I mean people do this with online dating all the time. What could go wrong?

"Okay," I smiled.

"Phew I thought I had to do more than have a fake dinner to get you to go out with me."

My head snapped up at him and I gave him a look.

"Jokes! It was all jokes." He said once he saw the way I was looking at him. "I'm sorry for lying to you about the party though."

I gave him a small smile. "It's fine."

"Wow, you forgive really easily." He sounded surprised.

"When you're a Christian you kind of have to."

"You're religious?"

"I'm supposed to be."

He lifted up an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Before I could answer his mom called us down for dessert.

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