Chapter 2

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I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that my eyes were still a bit red from crying.

Earlier I cried because yesterday my parents sat me down at the kitchen table and out of nowhere said I was allowed to start dating. I also cried because of Josephine's text about hooking me up with Aizen. If my parents and Josephine had given me the green light sooner would Aizen and I still be together?  The question would now haunt me forever, and that is the reason why I cried.

I looked at my red eyes again before turning on the sink and splashing my face with some water. I felt better, but my eyes were still red.

I wanted to wear a little bit of makeup, but I didn't want to bring too much attention to my eyes, so I decided to skip on the eyeshadow and eyeliner and just put on my mascara.

I brushed my hair out of my face as I grabbed my mascara from makeup bag and moved closer to the bathroom mirror.

I was in the middle of putting my makeup on when I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll be out in just a minute." I yelled.

"Did you still want me to take you over to Josephine's place?" I heard Jonathan's voice come from the other side of the door.

I forgot that I had messaged him on the bus asking him to drive me.

"Yeah, if you don't mind," I said.

"I don't mind. I'll be waiting in the car."

"Thank you!" I replied.

I grabbed my phone from the counter and turned on some music before I went back to doing what I was doing.

When I got done in the bathroom, I ran all the way to Jonathan's car.

"Took you long enough." Jonathan said, as I opened the passenger door to his car.

I laughed. "Sorry, I decided to have my own concert in the bathroom and forgot what I was supposed to be doing."

Once I was settled in my seat, we drove off.

Josephine only lived fifteen minutes away from me, so we didn't have to drive far.

When we pulled up to Josephine's two story house, I suddenly wanted to turn back around.

"Okay, we're here." Jonathan said, parking his truck in Josephine's driveway.

I just sat there looking out the window.

"Melody, get out of my car."

Once I realized I was making him upset, I decided to finally get out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride, loser." I said trying to be my playful self again, but finding it hard to do.

"Call me when you're ready to be picked up." He said, as I got out of the car.

I watched him drive off before turning around and walking towards the front door.

'Okay, there's no turning back now.' I thought, as I came up to the door and rang the doorbell.

I waited outside for a few minutes before Josephine came and answered the door.

"Ahhh hi!" She squealed when she saw me.

"Hi weirdo!" I said, laughing.

"Come in!" She said, waving me in.

As soon as I walked in the house, I noticed how clean her house looked. It's not that her house was always messy or anything, it was just cleaner than normal.


"My cousins are on their way from the airport right now. They should be here any minute now." She said, reading my mind.

I gave her a small smile. "Got it."

She grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to her room in a hurry.

"Spill it. What's wrong?" She said, once we were in the privacy of her room.

I felt like I was backed into a corner. I couldn't tell her what was going on. She'd hate me forever if she knew.

"Nothing is going on." I tried

"No, something is wrong. You're not acting like yourself."


"Josephine, they're here." We heard Josephine's mom yell from downstairs.

"You got lucky." Josephine said, running out of her room.

I did a sigh of relief. I took a second to brace myself for what was coming next, before I walked out of Josephine's room.

I had just turned the corner and was about to go down the stairs when I stopped in my tracks.

There below stood Aizen and his sister, surrounded by Josephine and her family.

I noticed that Aizen was a lot taller than the last time I saw him, and his hair was now a dirty blond, instead of just blond. He had glasses, but they looked more like decorations than anything else because they looked so fancy and good on him.

My eyes moved to his little sister who was laughing at something Josephine's dad had said. She looked like she had grown too, but not as much as Aizen.

When my eyes moved back to Aizen, I noticed he was staring up at me. As soon as my eyes locked with his, I moved back behind the wall so he couldn't see me anymore.

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