Chapter 14

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I woke up to my phone going off. I sat up in bed and looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was 2:30 AM.

I picked up my phone that was laying next to the clock and saw that Josephine was calling me.

"Hey," I said in a tired voice once I picked up the call.

"Melody what am I going to do? I lost you and now I'm about to lose Aizen." Josephine's panicky voice came from the other line.

"What are you talking about you didn't lose me." I said confused.

"You were supposed to take a few days off from hanging out at my place to spend time with your family and now it's been a month. You acted strange all summer and then just stopped talking to me, so I feel like I did something wrong and I'm losing you."

"No, Josephine it's not you I promise. I've just been going through a lot lately."

"And you can't tell me what's going on?"

"Not this time."

I heard her sigh.

"Well, Aizen just woke me up to tell me that this has been the worst summer he's ever had and that he's going home tomorrow. Can you believe him? After my parents did everything to make this another great summer he goes and says that."

"It seems like Aizen is going through his own personal stuff too so I think we need to give him grace. When was he supposed to go home?"

"Not until late August."

"Well, it's almost time for him to leave. Maybe it would be better for him if he went home early."

"He needs to keep his growing pains to himself. Summer is ending and I don't want him to ruin the last bit of time we have left."

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know. He left the house awhile ago."

"Okay, it's not good for him to be out this late on his own. We need to fi-"

Before I could finish my sentence I heard the door bell ring.

"Josephine I have to go." I said hanging up.

I went and opened my blinds. There was no car other than the ones that belonged to us in our driveway so whoever was at the door had to have walked to our house.

'Maybe it was one of our neighbors.' I thought.

I went downstairs to see what was going on but my parents already beat me to it. My parents were standing by the door talking to someone.

My eyes got wide when my dad opened the door wider and I saw who they were talking to.

"Aizen?" I said shocked.

"Melody, why is this boy telling us that you guys dated and you sent him nudes?" My dad ask with shock written all over his face.

It felt like my heart stopped for a quick second. Everything seemed to fade and I got a flashback of last school year when Aizen and I were dating and we would send each other nudes and have phone sex over FaceTime.

If I didn't think I was in hell before I was definitely in hell now. There was no way this was happening.

"Melody answers me!" My dad yelled. "Did you send the boy nudes?"

I finally snapped out of it. "Yes," I said barely above a whisper.

"What?" My dad asked again.

"Yes, we dated and I sent him nudes." I said louder.

"You go to your room right now. We will talk in a bit." My dad said in such a calm voice it scared me.

I took one look at Aizen who was looking directly at me and notice that he wasn't fully here. His eyes were red as if he was on drugs or something.

I shook my head in anger and disappointment at him before turning around and going upstairs.

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