Chapter 5

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I didn't know what my plan was going to be for the rest of the Summer. I've known Josephine since I was in middle school. We've been friends for years now and I haven't spent a summer without her since I met her in school.

I missed the time when it was just us and Aizen wasn't in the picture. She was my best friend and I always told her everything. That was before Aizen came into my life. Now I was keeping secrets from Josephine and not telling her how I really feel about her cousin.

If I went the whole summer avoiding Aizen then that meant I wouldn't get to spend any time with Josephine and I didn't know what that would do to our friendship.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone going off.

I looked at the caller ID to see it was Josephine.

I put my lunch down before answering the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, I have a favor to ask you, if you're not too mad at me. But before I do, I wanted to let you know that Aizen doesn't have a girlfriend so we're in the clear. Also, are you okay? You've been acting strange lately. I don't know how to approach you about whatever you're going through, so I just let you do your thing. I'm here if you ever need me."

I brought the phone closer to my ear. "What's the favor you need from me?"

She sighed as if she was upset that I just brushed off everything she just said. "Um, Aizen's parents signed him up for a baseball team here, so he'll be playing baseball while he stays here with us. He has his first practice today and my mom has a friend who has a son that has a game today and they asked us to help them with the concession stand."

"Okay?" I said not sure where she was going with this.

"Well, my mom agreed to work the concession stand since we're already going to be at the fields for Aizen's practice, and I was wondering if you wanted to help us?"

I thought about it for a second.

"Okay, send me the location."

After I saw that she had sent me the location, I went to the master bedroom where my mom was watching tv on her bed.

"Hey, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go hang out with Josephine again."

"Okay, did you guys make up already?"

"We were never fighting."

"Okay, I'm guessing you want me to take you?"

"Yeah, I'll send you the location."


When we arrived at the baseball field, I messaged Josephine to see where she was.

"Drive over to field three." I said to my mom as soon as I got a text back from Josephine.

When we pulled to field three I told my mom I would tell her when to pick me up before getting out of the car.

After I watched my mom drive off, I walked over to the concession stand that was right by field three.

"Hi, honey. Thanks for coming." Josephine's mom said once she saw me.

Josephine had her back turned but she spun around as soon as she heard her mom say my name.

"Yay, you made it." Josephine said, moving to open the door for me.

"Hi everyone." I said as I walked inside.

"If you could open the packs of gatorade that are over there that would be great." Mrs. O'Day said, pointing to where the gatorades were.

We were all doing our own thing when a boy about my age came to the stand dressed in a green baseball uniform.

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