Chapter 11

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I was lying on the floor of my bedroom watching tv when I heard my phone go off next to me.

I paused the show I was watching and picked up the phone when I saw it was Josephine calling me.

"Hi," I said, answering the call.

"Hey, we need to talk about the other night when your mom came to my house."

"It's been a week since that happened and I've hung out with you that whole week. Why do you want to talk now?"

"Because I needed to think about what happened that night some more."

"Josephine if you or your mom told my mom about me and Zack it's ok. I was confused at first but I'm glad you did once I realized that actually made things easier for me."

"That's the thing...neither of us told her." We both thought your parents knew and it wasn't until the night you went on your first date with Zack and told me to tell your parents you were with me if they asked that I realized they didn't know. And I didn't go in and tell them."

"Then how did they find out?" I said, bringing the phone closer to my ear.

"I don't know. The only other person I know that could've told them would be Aizen, but why would he do that? I don't think he had any reason to, so I don't think it was him either."

My eyes suddenly went wide as realization sunk in.

"Hey, where is Aizen right now?"

"He went to the baseball fields to work on his swing, why?"

"No reason. I have to go." I said quickly hanging up.

I tiptoed downstairs and went into the kitchen and was glad when I saw the keys to the car just laying on the counter.

I grabbed them and ran out the door to where the car was parked in the driveway.

I unlocked the car and quickly got in. Once I made sure my parents didn't follow me out I put the keys in the ignition and started the car before backing out and driving off.

I made my way to the baseball fields and I tried to keep myself from crying as I got on the main highway.

I sighed when I realized that I was here once again breaking my parents rules for Aizen, but this time it wasn't just my parents rules I was breaking it was also the law.

Instead of crying I decided to turn on some angry music and think of everything I was going to say to Aizen when I saw him.

When I made it to the baseball field no one was around but I did see Mr. O'Day's car so Aizen was here somewhere. I parked my car by the only other car that was here and got out.

I heard the sound of someone hitting a baseball with a bat at the left field and started to make my way there.

I walked until I could see Aizen's figure standing in the field. I made my way to the dug out and waited for him to notice me.

Once he realized that he had company he started to walk in my direction.

"You can stop right there." I said once he was close enough to hear me.

"Melody? What are you doing here?"

"I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much but my relationship with Zack is none of your business."

"I don't know what you're talking-"

"I have a fine line and you went too far. Even though you didn't say, or write anything your message to me before you came to Florida was loud and clear." I said interrupting him.


"You don't want me in your life and that's fine. I've finally come to terms with it but I think it's best if you stay out of mine. Don't put your nose in my business again or we're going to have some problems." I finished before turning around and walking away before he could say anything.


"Melody Eden Young. What has gotten into you lately?" My dad said as soon as I parked the car back where it was parked earlier and got out of the car.

"Hi, Dad," I said to the bald man standing next to my mom by the front door.

"First we're hiding boyfriends and now we're breaking the law? Do you know what would've happened if a cop had pulled you over?"

"This is me mom. I know you wanted a perfect Christian daughter but that's not me." I said walking past them and going inside.

They followed me inside the house.

"Go to your room! We will tell you your punishment and how long you'll be grounded for soon." My Dad said with disappointment written all over his face.

"Her behavior has gotten out of control. We just need to send her to boarding school. They'll straighten her out." I heard my mom say to my dad as they made their way to the master bedroom.

I went upstairs without saying a word because I knew if I said anything else it would make things worse.

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